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Oops! That page can’t be found on Sub Forums with WordPress 4.4

  • @kpdub


    Updated to WP 4.4 and sub forums are no longer accessible, getting the Ooops….message

    Tried deactivating all plugins, using a default template and still get the same error.

    IF I go into dashboard I can actually get to the topics from the backend, but its of no use to my site members

    Have asked for my hosting company to reinstall a backup from last 24 hours as my backup failed


    There is a SUMMARY of this issue and what to do at the end of this thread (or near it) – to save newcomers having to read the whole thread

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  • @timsilva_


    Thanks @tharsheblows! That patch fixed the problem. Cheers! 🙂



    I have the same issue. Im not sure how or what to utilize from the link with the patch.




    @gptxffa – They are still working on making sure the solution is rock solid, but it will eventually be in a normal WP update.

    In the meantime, all you have to do is follow the instructions from the diff patch. Basically, open wp-includes/post.php, scroll to line 4303, and replace:

    if ( 'publish' === $parent->post_status ) {


    if ( 'trash' !== $parent->post_status ) {

    So you replace the red tinted line of code with the green. 😉



    I also should have mentioned before that all of my parent & child forums are set to private.

    Didn’t try a private parent and child forum structure earlier, and then I could duplicate the issue. Thanks @timsilva_ for pointing that out.

    Thanks @tharsheblows for finding the issue, and creating a patch for WordPress. 🙂



    Indeed, thanks for everyones input here, I was digging into things thinking it was a role/permissions error.

    We’ll get this fixed and released as part of WordPress 4.4.1.




    Upgraded my downgraded WP-installation to 4.4. Changed wp-includes/post.php according to the last diff file patch 35084.2.diff and it worked!

    So the issue is not in bbPress but WordPress itself?

    When will there be a WP update?

    Thanks a lot!

    Ger (@lindt01)



    this issue is linked to WordPress, yes. A patch will hopefully come out soon.
    For now to fix the issue (using fix 2), open wp-includes/post.php, scroll to about line 4300 to find function get_page_uri( $page )
    In that function replace
    if ( 'publish' === $parent->post_status ) {
    if ( ! in_array( $parent->post_status, get_post_stati( array( 'internal' => true ) ) ) ){




    yes I also have buddypress installed



    Hi Casiepa,

    Is this the “ultimate fix”?

    I changed the line but it does not have any effect. I also tried the “fix” by timsilva_ but that doesn’t work either. I revert back to 4.3.1, disabled all plugins but bbPress and the problem remains. Before the upgrade there were no problems.

    I’m using quite a lot of bbPress enhancement addons but i don’t think they interfere

    • bbP private groups 3.0.8<
    • bbPress Do Short Codes 1.0.3
    • ppPress Votes 1.1.0
    • GD bbPress Attachments 2.3.1

    Since Im a keymaster I didnt notice is but got complains from user there topics were gone. Also – they can actually create new topics and they are saved but they just cant see them. They got the imfamous “Oh bother!” message but the freshness information bar says they actually were the last that posted something.

    Now – if I make that user moderator everything seems to be working as it should – but hey – i dont want to apply that workaround.

    Our problem has something to do with the upgrade and I guess something to do with rights. The only rights-plugin being used is bbp private groups but people confirmed that that plugin is compatible..

    Also change the permalink to default – no effect aswell

    Please advice..



    Oke – hear this:

    Fixed it I think..

    As I mentioned above users not able to see topics as participant but when I switch them to moderator I figured it has something to do with rights, now bbPress doesn’t really come with a sophisticated rights management so the “problem” must be with bbP private groups (although I cannot confirm the root of the problems lays there).

    So, ff you are using bbP private groups and got the moderator can see participant not issue

    I used the following procedure:

    • Go to you dashboard > forums
    • “Edit” a forum
    • At the Forum Groups box deselect all groups (That box is added by bbPress private groups)
    • At the Forum Attributes box set visibility to Public
    • Choose Update

    And now, revert to the previous settings:

    • Re-select/check the Forum Groups,
    • Re-apply visibility to Private
    • Choose Update




    @shades404 – I am the author of private groups.

    I don’t know why you fix would work, but if it does then great, and others should try this. Can you let me know if you’re using buddypress as well please.

    Given that there is a bug with 4.4 which @netweb says will be fixed in 4.4.1, I’d prefer not to try and fix within my plugin, as I’d need to work out a workaround, and then unfix this when the 4.4.1 comes out.

    As long as @shades404’s fix works, then I’ll recommend this – can anyone else verify this, and come back on this thread to see if it is a good fix?



    Hi Robin,
    Got no clue either to be fair.. Also – im not sure if the plugin is causing the problem or something else but at least its fixed now.. I must also add that I had to apply the same action for all the users that got the participant roll: remove the groupmembership, update the user, then re-add them to the appropriate groups.. Moderators and Keymasters got no issues at all.



    sorry – I haven’t read in detail this whole thread – do you need to do something else as well as

    I used the following procedure:
    ◾Go to you dashboard > forums
    ◾“Edit” a forum
    ◾At the Forum Groups box deselect all groups (That box is added by bbPress private groups)
    ◾At the Forum Attributes box set visibility to Public
    ◾Choose Update

    And now, revert to the previous settings:
    ◾Re-select/check the Forum Groups,
    ◾Re-apply visibility to Private
    ◾Choose Update




    I did that for all forum yes and,
    I did same sort of procedure for all users: get them out of the groups, update, and put them back into the groups they were before.



    thanks for the update and your help – really appreciate it

    so did you need to do both to get it working, and in which order



    I’ve just had another client who upgraded to 4.4 and then reverted to still have the problem.

    He fixed it by toggling each forum between public and private and saving in between.

    He didn’t need to alter anything within my plugin, or the forum groups within the forum, just the forum visibility



    I have a testsite were I have (ofc) the same problem – I will check tomorrow toggling public/private with do the trick. To be fair – it did that (and ofc toggling the groups on the forum but after that uses were still complaining so I toggled all the users aswell – But I will check tomorrow on my testsite)



    I dir the fix from @casiepa and it worked like charm.
    Hidden post get parent links and working great!



    ok, so as far as I can work out.

    If you are staying with 4.4 then implement the following
    open wp-includes/post.php, scroll to about line 4300 to find function get_page_uri( $page )
    In that function replace

    if ( 'publish' === $parent->post_status ) {

    if ( ! in_array( $parent->post_status, get_post_stati( array( 'internal' => true ) ) ) ){

    If you revert to 4.3.x, then the upgrade will have altered the database, so you need to go into each forum and toggle visibility public/private status , saving in between. So if private, toggle to public and save and then toggle back and save again. If public, do the reverse.

    Not sure of you need to do that if you stay with 4.4

    Should all be fixed in 4.4.1.

    If anyone thinks different, please come back – would be good to have a single definitive post saying what users should do

    If anyone has different exper



    I did indeed go back to 4.3.1 which altered to database… thats true
    So in short
    1) upgraded to 4.4 > problem
    2) downgraded to 4.3.1 > problem remains
    3) re-upgraded to 4.4 > problem remains
    4) “hacked” the function suggested by casiepa > problem remains
    5) re-applied all setting as mentioned above (the “hack” at point 4 is still there)
    Hope this enlights it a bit more > problem solved

    Unfortunately i do not have a 4.3.1 > 4.4 situation anymore coz I did the same action also on my testsite



    great – thanks for that update – v useful

    I believe that simply toggling the private/public visibility with a save in between fixes if you have downgraded back to 4.3.1, so at the moment my post above stands – unless anyone knows different….

    what I don’t know is if you just upgrade and add casiepa’s fix, does that fix?



    It seems the theory is that reverting from 4.4 back to 4.3 still leaves “something” that is breaking things. Does anyone know what the “something” is that is unchanged in the process of reverting to 4.3? What change in the database or a file? I would like to confirm that issue exists in my current setup and test my backup/restore process.



    @robin-w I will need to get my backups to get back to the 4.3.1 situation. If you want me to check the path from a working wp4.3.1 > wp4.4 > toggle forums visibility “private > public > private” let me know.
    Is there a way I can contact you directly (by mail)? Don’t the treat to be a slowchat 🙂



    the ‘fix’ relates to post_parent in wp_posts – the original 4.4 change was something to do with trash status of a post parent I believe, but I have no proof of that.



    @shades404 that would be great.

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