I second this request. Just installed bbPress 2.0 on a WP 2.3.1 site and see no clues as to how to implement it after “activating” it in the plugin area. I was able to create a new forum but how the heck do you put in into WP? on a page (create a page for it)? or?
Help? Thank you so much!
Did you try making a page and putting one of the shortcodes in there?
Thank you! I am going to try that RIGHT NOW!
Thanks so much for your reply.
OK, I created a regular ole WP page and put the shortcode for showing the forum index in that regular ole WP page. Hit publish. I can see it. Great!
Is there a way to get it so it doesn’t have the WP sidebar and looks more like a forum usually looks? Not like it’s inside WordPress, in other words? I am thinking this may be where implementing “forum themes” comes in? If you have a link explaining this, I’d sure love to see it. Thank you so much, again, for taking a moment to help the clueless. 
One thing I notice, too, is that there are references everywhere to the “bbPress admin” area and I only see an area in WP’s normal “settings” area and it doesn’t have anything like “bbPress integration” or any options like that. ?? I do see a message on my WP dashboard, “Theme does NOT natively support bbPress.”
I definitely do not see any area anywhere in WP that says “bbPress integration.” Hm.
@geek9mm – Depending on your theme, you will have the option to remove the sidebar when creating or editing a page. You can also go to /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page, click quick edit for the forum page, and change the template option.
If you are looking for bbPress to have a completely different look than the WP part of you site I think you have 2 main options, using bbPress 2.x on a multisite installation or using bbPress 1.x.
The references to bbPress integration are for the standalone version of bbPress (1.x).
Thank you Andre! You helped clarify, a bunch.
FYI, at this point I’m using Genesis and a customized Genesis child theme. I got the child theme to be “recognized,” via the “bbpress integration” plugin by putting in a line of code into my custom functions.php file. But now I can’t get the actual *forum* to appear in the basic “page” I created (yes, I put in shortcode: [bbp-forum-index] and published, and made “public.”) I also tried putting in shortcode for showing ONE particular forum. Nothing shows up. I only have one forum (as a test).
I think I’m missing something very obvious here, or, my overall WP 3.2.1 setup is too weirdly customized to even use bbPress at this point. Not sure.
Thanks for trying to help, though. I do appreciate it! I’m looking forward to seeing any new improved documentation they release (“step-by-step” for dummies would be GREAT! maybe a video, too?). I think that would help a LOT for people like me who have never used forum-ware at all, just regular WP plugins.
I tried all day to get this to work on my WP blog (bbPress, I mean). No go. Sigh. I sure wish there was a step-by-step guide. I’m not at all new to WP but I (obviously) had a lot of trouble trying to get bbPress to work. And I’ve failed. For now. I know people are busy, though, so I’ll check back now and then and see if there are any “bbPRess for Dummies”-type guides.
That’s the risk when you run software that didn’t have a proper release yet 
Proper documentation will come in time, I have no doubt about that.
If you were running the plugin that’s in the wordpress repository at the moment (beta2b or something) you might want to change that with the one in trac (https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/browser/branches/plugin) that has some fixes in it.
I don’t know if they’ll fix your problem though. I never had to add any code to my functions.php to make it work and while I do have a message in my dashboard “Theme does not natively support bbPress”, it works pretty good