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New Posts

  • @mrpapasworld


    Any chance of getting some indication of new posts/topics so I can indicate such with a diff icon? hope I didnt miss this capability…

    Mr Papa

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  • @ardentfrost


    I do it with css… visited links are normal, unvisited are bold.

    One day someone will do the plugin (maybe me, but only if work freakin’ slows down)



    with css?? must be missing something… verteran with wp… but noob with bbpress…

    havent yet figured out how to tell if the link is visited or not visited in bbpress… might be this third glass of wine though…

    most definitely understand the comment about work…


    Mr Papa



    ah…nvm.. I get your drift now… doh!

    Mr Papa



    There is a plugin “Posts Since Last Visit” based on the “Online” plugin. Not sure of the URL’s as I am on my mobile phone, but do a search for it!




    I’m already into development with such a plugin.

    Yes, as Trent mentioned it’s called “Posts since last visit”.

    But at the moment it won’t work because of an update on the onlinelist plugin and some small bugs… but I think it won’t take much time anymore till I’m getting it finished. Stay tuned …



    I have read the other thread and will watch this, but not sure it will do what I want… I understand this to be a view type thing…

    I am looking for something else that would work for the forum and discussion views (maybe more too)… I have added icons next to the topics/forums… I would like to use diff icons to indicate whether there is a something new, unread for the user there… this is a common feature on other forum apps… kind of like the alternating row colors (even, odd, alt, etc) but read and unread…

    might even be nice to extend for other possibilities too like sticky, locked, solved, etc…

    For now, I am using the css visited technique mentioned by ardentfrost…


    Mr Papa



    I know what you want. I think doing it the css way is the easyest way at the moment!

    My Plugin will be some view type, yes… but I just imagine that your idea could be added to it, too! Just gimme a bit time :)



    cool… will stand by… havent dug into writing plugins for bbpress yet… happy to help test if for ya too…



    Just wondering, is anyone is making progress on the new posts front?

    I think for many people it could be the #1 reason not to use bbPress, from both a user and developer perspective.



    Just take a look here or try the demo here .. I’m working on this thing! … I’ve just not that much time at the moment, sorry.

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