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New post creates closed topic.

  • @fokjulle


    From my forum, someone posted a message saying that when he tried to post a new thread, he wasn’t given an option to choose which forum in which to place the thread, and, on submitting the thread, he got a message saying that the topic closed.

    This has happened a few times now.

    How do I fix it?

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  • @fokjulle


    I’ve just created a new dummy member, and tested this, and the above happens.

    1. When clicking “add new” from the index page, creates a new post page.

    2. It doesn’t allow a choice for which forum it should go into.

    3. After submitting, it says that the topic has been closed.

    However, creating a thread from within a forum topic doesn’t do the above.

    How can I fix this?



    Is your bbPress site integrated with your WordPress site (for example, does it share the same users table)?

    What plugins do you have installed on your bbPress site.



    OKay, it seems to be a conflict with the Private Forums plugin…



    It’s possible that Private Forums is doing things correctly and that it’s really core bbPress that causes the bug to show up with that plugin.

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