If you are using bbPress 2.x it has widgets that are packed with it out-of-the-box that provide these functions.
Thank you Jared, yes im using 2.0x i’ve seen the widgets just wasnt sure they, will get me the most commented, and most visited, or read topics.
Hey Jared, just to share this with you, i finally did what i need it in the front page with a tabs plugin found at
and the shortcodes found at
you can check it out in the main page of quimbumbia dot org any comments will be apreciated..
Thanks for the support!!
the only thing i need to find now is a shortcode for most visited and most commented
I can’t get the shortcode [bbp-single-view id="popular"] to work. Is my syntax incorrect?
12 years, 9 months ago
hi, i wanted to made some tabs where i can show, the latest topics, most visited and most comented, so I wonder if there out there a plugin that can show this.