can you post a link to this site and above example
hmm, not suer why your bbpress.css file is in wp-content/plugins/templates rather than wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates – have you altered this?
In essence you want to set
.bbp-reply-author width :100% ;
.bbp-reply-content margin : 0px;
This will force the content to the next line, and move it to the start of that line.
I’d also add
#bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-author img.avatar {
position: relative;
so you’d end up with (untested)
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
.bbp-reply-author {
width :100% ;
.bbp-reply-content {
margin : 0px;
#bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-author img.avatar {
position: relative;
I have update my css with your code but don’t work, the profil picture is almost good !
I have test different code the margin-left for reply-content is the problem maybe no ?
Problem almost fix ! I recode the author zone, actually it’s good.
How to remove the red zone (screen) =>

I have search in different template but i don’t find !