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Make new-topic- and reply-forms responsive

  • @project_subdomain


    New topic and reply forms are cut off on the right side at screens smaller than 430px width.

    Tried several combinations of FORM#new-post, .bbp-reply-form and FIELDSET.bbp-form, with width:100% or a fixed size for smaller screens. Testing with


    for example effects that the form gets smaller in width, but not 10px or any other wished px-width. It will be always fix at a width of maybe 300px. Could there be some default CSS already that I don’t see?

    Are these forms responsive by default, anyway?

    Thanks for any help!

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  • @robkk


    Does this help?? This code appears at 320px but it probably should be by default.

    #bbpress-forums div.wp-editor-container {
        width: 100%;
        overflow: auto;



    Thanks, @robkk!
    This adds a vertical scrollbar only, same cut off width (have it at 320er query already).
    Hugging all elements of the forms (tested via form-reply.php) with a new, then styled div, as the form-legend shall be also responsive, also does not work.
    Just don’t find the reason, will have another look.



    ok found it, it’s caused by the GD bbPress Attachments plugin I’m using. sorry and thanks!

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