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Layout in progress

  • @peter-hamilton


    Hi again, I have been working on my theme for a long time now, here are a few images of where I am with my forum and topic lists, as well as the individual topics/posts and the integrated “like” system.

    The forum-list loop
    Forum list

    The topic-list loop

    The forums on profile pages
    Profile forums

    A lot of plugins used to get all functionality, but starting to look like a nice forum to me.

    I hope to be able to post some updates soon.
    Peter Hamilton

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  • @-q-shadows


    Really like your styling pal.

    If you dont mind, can you list the plugins u used ? Would really appreciate that.



    Hi Q-Shadows

    It is quite a list of plugins, some hardcoded into my child theme, others just as plugins.

    Plugins Installed

    Rewrote most of the template files

    Version 2.1.1, tried updating yesterday but broke my site so have to rewrite my plugins before updating

    BBpress Like Button
    Likes for forums

    BP Profile Widgets
    To show a music or video player on members profile

    Buddypress Activity Plus

    Buddypress Like
    For activity likes

    BuddyPress Activity Stream Bump to Top
    Liked and commented activity goes to top of list

    Buddypress Upload Avatar Ajax
    To allow avatar upoad during registration

    Front-End Publishing
    So members can write blogs without multisite activated

    GD bbPress Attachments
    For forum image uploads

    BP Profile as Homepage
    All links to a user links to profile page instead of user activity

    Post rating


    And I have a few plugins hardcoded into my child theme, not sure about the names

    BuddyPress Group Customizer Lite
    For group backgrounds

    User Signature
    For a signature on forum posts

    Easy View count
    displays views count on single-topic-list

    BP custom background for user profiles
    Or something like that to recreate the facebook/twitter function

    And I added a lot more functions that I found through other members on these forums that have been added to my Functions.php etc.
    Theme had had a lot of alterations since my last visit and is almost finished, have a look.

    Peter Hamilton



    In my opinion your templates have to many extra details. Checkout my super tiny and cleanest bbPress forum



    Yes yours is tiny but clean (too clean for me personally), but I am trying to achieve a much more complicated website then that.

    I am trying to recreate Facebooks functions and add extra functionalities like blogging, forums and detailed profiles for users to name a few



    Yep. I see facebook’s design here. But facebook’s interface is not example of good interface (don’t forget this) 🙂



    I agree with you there, and I am hoping to improve where they failed

    in the mean time, a shot of the BBPress forum index



    Article published with Front-End-Publishing, bbfacelook



    Front End Publishing member articles



    Article Archive | BBFacelook theme



    Landing page for non-logged in or new visitors



    Finished theme will come in few colorschemes, this is me just playing around a bit before going to bed dark theme




    this looks a lot better from the last time i saw it ..i think a couple of months ago??

    there is still a lot of awkward design around your site though but this time you really have to look for it.

    there is a page on your site that look really bad and it is

    i see you have which is how it should be.

    the profile page custom background that you used the bp custom background for user profile plugin i did find a filter to allow it to show it like you did, but this plugin wasnt intended for that kind of layout and it kind of makes the background layout radio buttons kind of useless.

    But there is a new plugin that does this exactly now which is here and it has ajax upload which is a little better.

    Another thing that is kind of weird is that on any users profile in there info there is random links that link to the members page.

    The user profile menu doesn’t look as good as it is when your site is at a smaller resolution , and plus it wastes a bunch of space on the left.



    Hi Robkk, thanks for having a look again.

    I agree with the profile nav and am changing that next, have just downloaded the plugin you mentioned and will have a look at it, looks a lot bigger then the code I am using…but has a lot more functions I like to include like sharing those backgrounds on activity etc, will use it tomorrow.

    I also removed all Epicweb stuff so the forums page looks normal again, I was long focused on creating the right category/forum list, but ended up using a page with shortcodes in the end, so that code was just clutter anyway, so thanks again.

    Peter Hamilton



    Hi again, so I worked on the points @robkk brought up, and I am happy to say that it does look a lot better already, so thanks guys.

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