Hi Q-Shadows
It is quite a list of plugins, some hardcoded into my child theme, others just as plugins.
Plugins Installed
Rewrote most of the template files
Version 2.1.1, tried updating yesterday but broke my site so have to rewrite my plugins before updating
BBpress Like Button
Likes for forums
BP Profile Widgets
To show a music or video player on members profile
Buddypress Activity Plus
Buddypress Like
For activity likes
BuddyPress Activity Stream Bump to Top
Liked and commented activity goes to top of list
Buddypress Upload Avatar Ajax
To allow avatar upoad during registration
Front-End Publishing
So members can write blogs without multisite activated
GD bbPress Attachments
For forum image uploads
BP Profile as Homepage
All links to a user links to profile page instead of user activity
Post rating
And I have a few plugins hardcoded into my child theme, not sure about the names
BuddyPress Group Customizer Lite
For group backgrounds
User Signature
For a signature on forum posts
Easy View count
displays views count on single-topic-list
BP custom background for user profiles
Or something like that to recreate the facebook/twitter function
And I added a lot more functions that I found through other members on these forums that have been added to my Functions.php etc.
Theme had had a lot of alterations since my last visit and is almost finished, have a look.
Peter Hamilton