Latest bbPress Posts In WordPress
I don’t know if this plugin is listed anywhere in the forum (can’t find it), but this is a plugin that will have recent forum posts from bbPress in your WordPress blog. Sidebar or otherwise. I use it and it is a great little plugin:
Recent bbPress Discussion in WP Plugin
As well, if you want to exclude a particular forum from the list, I have a little fix. Reply if that would help you.
Glad to see someone is using my plugin
The plugin has been listed before but it gone now, thank’s for re-posting it.
Maybe u can send me the fix and i add it into the plugin.
It isn’t put in as an option, (though it would be easy to do), but all it really is, is adding SQL statement to exclude a forum. Maybe a guy should put a plugin code option for number of posts displayed as well as excluding a forum.
This is the block of database code that Trent had “fixed” up for me, to exclude the one forum.
(Found near end of plugin file)
function wp_bb_get_discuss_sidebar() {
global $wpdb,$bbpath;
$bbtopic = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_status = 0 AND forum_id NOT IN ('3') ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 10");
Where => (‘3’) is the forum id to exclude..
Needs to be an option though because with that code in there, it will exclude when most users wouldn’t really need anything excluded. As well, that is only for the sidebar part, not the widget.
Yeah true.. Trent, thanks for clarifying that for everyone, and me!
/Me didn’t get to bed yet, so.. my brain is now working in reverse, compared to your’s.. since you got the sleep.. lol!!
I think I made a similar script yesterday. I didn’t make it as a widget because I never did much customization with wordpress itself.
Anyone got an example of this being used? I might want to change the way mine looks if another looks better. (if you want to see what I did, you can view it at … the right side forum list thing)
Does anybody know how to combine this great little plugin with the Use display name plugin? I want the it to show my nickname instead of my username.
I update the plugin already .. Now it gonna show “display name” instead of “username” like before. Tell me how it going
Great. Thank you! There’s only one little problem: if the user haven’t entered a nickname no name at all is shown. I guess it should be written so that if the user has a nick name – show nick name; if the user dosen’t – show username.
Correct me if i wrong .. by default when a user is regis. WP will set the “display name” equal to “username”. I try the code already and i dont get a blank name
Anyway maybe i will change the code to do a double check.
Alright. I’ve done some investigations and I think I know why I get a blank space: when a new user registers through bbPress it seems like he’s not given any “display name”.
Maybe u gonna need this plugin
Yeah, I’ve got that. Seems like this might be something to add to the next version of that plugin.
Anyway, thanks again Atsutane for your great plugin and the fast updates!
I’m getting this error in WP2.1:
WordPress database error: [Table ‘wordpress.bb_topics’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_status = 0 ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 10
The table wordpress.bb_topics doesn’t exist because my bbpress database is named bbpress. So the proper database place to look would be bbpress.bb_topics
Any way to fix this issue?
I think the plugin is designed to work when you have both wordpress and bbPress in the same database. You are using 2 different databases I would imagine then? If that is the case, then this plugin will not work for you.
That’s right Trent — I’m using 2 databases. I’ve been looking for a way to modify this plugin to get it look in the bbpress database, but I’m afraid my PHP skills aren’t quite up to it. Do you know of any other workarounds?
I think the easiest thing to do would be to just move over your bbpress install into the same database as your blog. I’m sure somebody here could probably help you modifying that plugin, but I feel like just moving would be much simpler.
lo all, I have the same problem as Staffan, when I use this fine plugin, I get no name name displayed, I have just installed the 0.75 of BBPress, and I do not have any option in my profile to enter a nicename at all, hence why the assigned database entry (‘user_nicename’) doesn’t hold a Nicename 😮
Well I could enter a Nicename via phpMyAdmin, but that’s surely not the way to work that out, because tbh I am way too lazy, to do that for every future user registering with the forum
Nevermind my post above, just sorted it out, it works, IF you install BBP with the database tables from WP in the config.php, but NOT IF you install BBP without these information
So the nicename from the WP user-table is being used, also means, users have to enter their WP profile to change that, as this is NOT possible via BBP profile
Thx anyways
==end edit==
Anyhow, a pretty nice plugin, keep up the good work Atsutane
Is it true that the ‘standard’ thing to do is install WP and BBP in the same database? If so, I’m going to take bbolman’s recommendation and copy my BBP tables into my WP database. Is it safe to copy these directly, or are the some alterations that need to be made first?
It is – and it will make your life a lot easier. Makes your config simpler too.
It is pretty simple to just copy the bbPress tables into the WordPress database. If you use a mySQL export script, it will actually create the tables syntax and install it perferctly! It is way easier on many integration plugins (not just this one) when they are in the same database!
Thanks guys! I copied the BBP tables over to my WP db, and everything worked out fine — with the added bonus that this plugin now works perfectly. Maybe I missed it, but I think the BBP install instructions should make a point of recommending that BBP be installed in the WP database.
I like this plugin a great deal, because it works so nicely right off the bat
Since my forum is in a subdomain, I had to change the code a bit (just coded in the location of my forums instead of letting it grab my blog location and adding a path). But a very minor thing to do for a very nice plugin.
Recent Change: (2007-03-04)
- Bbpress Latest Discussion Option Page.
- Ability to set Bbpress url
- Ability to use different database
Brilliant – works straight away again and has all the options I wanted. Thanks.
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