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Keymaster, still don’t see forums in WP dashboard

  • benjaminblue


    I have a WordPress user who is an administrator and set to KeyMaster, but when logged in with that user I see the forums and the topics in the WordPress dashboard, but I still don’t see the forums link. Also on the plug-ins page there is no settings, or the same settings link that would be in the main settings dashboard menu is not there as well.

    And somewhat related maybe, I have created user accounts in the past that I’m pretty sure I was able to assign as a KeyMaster but lately when I create a new user the highest level it will let me choose in the drop-down on the new user profile page is moderator. Does anyone know what I missing?

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  • benjaminblue


    I got it figured out, I need to be logged in as another KeyMaster and then I was able to set my role to KeyMaster and then was able to see the forms as expected.

    Robin W


    great – glad you are fixed

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