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Keep losing "Admin" access for all users

  • daniellaf


    Hi BB peeps!

    I have WordPress 2.8.3 and BBpress 1.0.2. (Before people get on my case for having upgraded the software and blah blah, I went through a painful upgrade BECAUSE the chatter in the forum indicated that WordPress 2.8 was needed to integrate better with BBpress and that it would have “native” cookie integration. Whatevs. So, let’s make that a mute point.)

    They are pretty well integrated (you can have a look here: What I’m finding is that I have a problem and when I fix it, it creates a second problem, and when I fix that I get the first problem again.

    To explain better, most of the time the user can log into WordPress and then is not logged into BBpress when they click on “forums.” But, if the forums are opened in a new window, they are logged into it…?!? I’ve cleared my cookie cache and used various users and computers, and it does this every time. So, when I fix this issue by adding cookie info into my WP config file and deactivating Michael Adams’ BBPress Integration plugin, I get the second problem.

    The second problem is that the user can log into WordPress or BBpress and be logged into both, but the user can’t access the BBpress “admin” panel or press the “logout” link. When either of these links is clicked, the page refreshes and nothing happens. So, to fix this, I reactivate Michael Adam’s BBPress Integration plugin and upload _ck_’s “fix admin access”. But now, the logout button in BBpress does not work.

    So, to fix that problem, I delete fix admin access from the server, and things work great for about 30 seconds. Then, when I go to the wordpress site and then back to forums, I’m back where I started: I’m logged in on wordpress, but not logged in on BBpress.

    Strange, huh? Any ideas? I’m thinking I’m going to uninstall and reinstall the integration plugins and try again

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  • daniellaf


    Figured out what was going on! I had a hardcoded navigation link in my wordpress header to direct users to the forum (I know, bad habit). It had “www.” when the rest of the side is www-free. Deleting the www. seems to have fixed the issue.

    So, if you’re integrating and are having trouble, hopefully this post will be helpful to you. Below, I’ll list what I’m running and what plugins I have in case that helps.

    WordPress 2.8.3 installed at webroot, linux server with php5. Shared database between BBPress and WordPress. BBpress 1.0.2 installed in forums subdir.

    WP Plugins related to BBpress

    – bbPress Integration Version 1.0 | By Michael Adams and Sam Bauers (plus manual cookie info from this plugin put into WP config file)

    – WordPress-bbPress syncronization Version 0.7.7 | By Ivan Babrou

    BBpress plugins (all, because I enabled some others and then things started not working again)

    – Akismet

    – bbPress-WordPress syncronization Version 0.7.7 | By Ivan Babrou

    – Hot Tags Plus Version 0.0.2 | By _ck_

    Right now I don’t have _ck_’s Fix Admin Access plugin on the server, but I’ve used it a few times.

    bbPress-WordPress syncronization Version 0.7.7 – You shouldn’t need this right now. It’s not required for WP 2.8+ and bb 1.0+

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