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How to diplay topic replies count elsewhere

  • @deall



    How can I show the replies count somewhere, like they are showing in the following screen shot.

    Replies Count

    My theme generates grids of the posts (not topics) and displays comments count. However, I have turned off comments completely and I use bbPress replies instead using ‘bbPress topics for posts’ plugin. So my comment count would always show zero

    Replies Count

    Can there be any workaround to display topic count in place of comment count in the grids as in thee screen shot above?

    Thank you

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  • @robkk


    You are going to have to edit your theme templates yourself since this is custom development for your theme.

    What you need is possibly bbp_topic_reply_count() or bbp_topic_post_count(), depending on if you are showing the lead topic on your site. I am not sure if doing this will work or not.



    Thank you for the guidance. However, let’s say there is a new post with id #123 and I attach a bbPress topic to it id #456 (by attach, I mean replacing comments with bbPress replies)

    Now, a grid that’s generated on the homepage is generated by the WordPress post #123. How will I ensure that the replies count of topic #456 shows in place of comment count of WP Post #123? How can that synchronization be done?

    Thank you again



    I would like to make it so that my “POSTS” column shows “REPLIES” instead. What do I have to change in loop-topics.php to make that happen?

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