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Forum topics not showing up.

  • @itanksalot


    Hello guys.

    I have spent the good part of a week now trying to find the solution, but i simply cant.

    My site is nearly done, but my forums are acting up.

    In the start i could add topics, but now they are not showing up. Tried the reset forums, but that didnt even reset it. Am i doing something wrong? I dont have that many plugins.

    Any known issues? And i know there is a few topics with this.

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  • @robkk


    give me a link to your forums section



    Just starting with bbpress and only created one topic- but it has disappeared.




    It could be a plugin issue


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    you can also see if your theme is causing the issue but its probably more of a plugin issue..


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.

    if not come back



    It’s a live site with over 80 plugins to provide various bits of functionality – so this is not going to be easy.

    I do have a few bbpress-related plugins – which I can easily disable / re-enable without disrupting the main site – is it more like to be these plugins?

    Thx. Paul



    most likely it could be only the bbPress related plugins, go ahead and deactivate the bbPress plugins first then come back and give me your results.



    I deactivated all bbpress related plugins except bbpress itself, and the problem remains. IN the back end I have one topic in one forum, in the front end it says:

    “This forum contains 1 topic, and was last updated by East Devon Alliance 4 days, 23 hours ago.

    Oh bother! No topics were found here.”

    Given the number of other plugins which are essential to my site and cannot be deactivated, I am not sure how to proceed now.



    email me some login details for an admin account you will create , so i can see the plugins and try to see what plugins might cause the issue.

    im not going to deactivate any, i just really want to see the whole plugin list so you dont have to write it down here for me.

    when im done , ill tell you to delete the admin account you created for me.




    Details of activated plugins sent.

    Mostly up to date.




    i sent like 3 emails to help you.

    if it didnt send they basically said

    deactivate Relevenssi because it has had issues with bbPress before
    deactivate Disable Comments because if you didnt create a bbpress.php it might cause issues.
    check for conflicting CSS in the topic area
    clear cache because i cant think of anything else.

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