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Forum pages not loading

  • xps20


    I just installed bbpress.

    This works

    However the forum and post I created do not load



    Does anyone know what’s wrong?

    PS I don’t think people who are seeking help should have their posts marked as spam. If a mod or user has an issue with a post, how about you allow the user to know what the problem is so it can be corrected. And if you have enough time to mark a post as spam, then you have enough time to assist with my questions in the post. I should not be submitting a second thread in 2 days for troubleshooting support. Not good at all.

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  • Jared Atchison


    Have you tried flushing your permalinks?



    I am not a coder so I do not understand how to flush.

    All I came across from a search was to add,


    but I wouldn’t know where to start on where to add that code, or if that is even the right line of code.

    Thanks for replying btw.



    Log in as an administrator, go to, change the permalinks settings, click save, change them back to what you want them to be, click save again.



    I did that last night before your response, and just did it again following your response and it did not make any changes to the forums.

    I have a custom structure of “/%postname%-%post_id%”



    Did you clear your cache?



    That did not work. I updated the bbpress/bbpress.php file to clear the cache.

    After messing around with the bbpress settings, and then restoring it back to what I had it at originally.

    I am not getting this displayed on the pages that weren’t loading all the way.

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /hermes/bosweb26c/b2552/ipg.cwilson/ on line 41



    I’m having the same problem…I installed bbPress about two months ago and it worked right out of the box, then I got going on other things and just came back to work on it again and I can’t get the forums to display. If I go to the forum page, it has the title; but before, there was a listing of forums and I could navigate through to the topics. I’ve tried using the shortcodes and they work fine, but I’d like to get things working through the standard hierarchy (e.g. forums, topics, etc.).

    I’ve cleared the cache, flushed the permalinks, and changed the name of all the slugs (they’re currently changed back to the default names), uninstalled, then reinstalled the plugin (but didn’t delete settings from the database). Also, I know I’ve updated the plugin at least once since first installing it.

    Some sample pages: (should show listing of all forums, but just get blank page) (should show topics for this particular forum. Shows description text, but no listing of topics)

    I haven’t made any changes at all to the template yet…just wanting to get things working again. Any suggestions?

    John James Jacoby


    @jloosli – it seems like bbPress isn’t active for you anymore. Even returns a 404.



    I’m not sure what other steps to do to make it “active”. I just deactivated the plugin, deleted all options with %bbp% in the database, and reactivated the plugin. Before reactivating, I tried the above links and those brought me to 404 errors, but after reactivating the plugins, they came up again as they are now…just a title and no listing of forums under them. I had never tried the /users/admin/ before, but it’s still not working after doing the above steps…any other steps you’d recommend?

    I’m having the very same issues that jloosi describes….has anyone seen this before. Forum installed great with bbpress plugin…got on to other higher priority tasks, then came back to work on the Forum more and poof…gone….the main forum list is there, but each forum just shows a description, none of the assigned topics appear, going straight to a topic does the same thing. Very wierd…..I tried uninstalling, (not removing from the DB…yet). Anyone with any thoughts?

    I was hoping things would change with WordPress 3.3, but still no go. I’m working on a SSO plugin for Simple Machines, but ideally I’d like to get bbPress working.


    I just spent the bulk of my morning trying to figure this out and finally came up with a solution that involves creating a child theme to my current theme (not necessarily a requirement to do it this way, but I wanted to keep the BBPress files organized and separate from the rest of my theme).

    In the child theme I copied over all of the BBPress template files the ship with the plugin and then updated my site to run from the Child Theme. This allows the appropriate template files to be picked up and the forum snapped back to life.

    You could also just copy in the necessary template files to the root of your theme, a bit messier, but that’d work as well. Anyway….I’m finally getting back to work on the thing (cleaning up all of the default templates) now after a 4-5 hour detour.

    Oh…and you’ll need to enable theme support for ‘bbpress’ too in your functions file if you go my route (either child theme or using your ‘main’ theme):

    // Add bbPress theme support

    add_theme_support( ‘bbpress’ );

    Wish I knew why it worked before and suddenly stopped, that still has me stumped…but at least I understand the structure of how this all goes together now:

    BTW, if you haven’t already seen it, this helped a ton:

    Hope you get further down the road too!


    Thanks for your help. I gave it an earnest go yesterday and I finally got it to work for me today. I too wanted to get this working as a child theme, but ran into this issue ( since I’m developing this on xampp. I ended up just putting it together, uploading it to the live server, and luckily, it wasn’t too far off.

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