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Forum index table not showing

  • @aje_1985


    Hi, my website is and I am using Kopatheme circle, I have installed and setup a page with forums as the permalink and the bbpress short code, and added two forums to see how it looks. Although I can see some format with the forums if I add them additionally as a drop down menu, I cannot see the table format on the forum index page. Any help appreciated, thanks, Andy.

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  • @netweb


    It looks like your theme is stopping the forums from displaying.

    Make a copy of your themes full width template eg. page.php file and rename it to bbPress.php.



    Hi Stephen,

    I’m having similar issues to @aje_1985, however my theme does not have a page.php file. Is there any other way to get the index page to show?

    My forum index should be showing at:

    I’m using a minimal child theme, whose parent theme is the default theme from Their templating system is a little different than traditional wordpress themes, and hence there is no page.php.

    Just to try, I duplicated page.php from the twentyfourteen WP theme, and renamed to bbPress.php and put directly into my child theme folder. (Is this the right place to put it?) The result was my forum index page became white, and nothing showed.

    Next I tried copying the whole bbpress templates folder to my child theme and again no luck. I’d really appreciate any advise here, as I’m reaching a dead end for what to try.

    Thank you.



    @mosaicrob Pagelines have a bbPress module for there themes that should fix your issue, contact them for the link or search around their site.



    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for your response. I’ve spoken w/ Pagelines about this earlier, who informed me there is no module needed for Pagelines DMS (which I’m using), only for the Pagelines Framework. I can confirm that BBPress is installed and working on my site… it’s just the layout of the index page for the forums as well as the tags page that seems to not have any formatting.

    (Just to be sure, I tried the pagelines module and it creates an error.)

    Is there another way to approach this issue? I tried using BBPress WP Tweaks plugin to have BBPress use index.php for the default template page (Pagelines has an index.php file). This didn’t work either.

    Here’s the error I get on the frontend:



    I had a quick look on Pagelines forums but as I don’t have an account this was limited. I saw a couple of your posts there and I’d suggest you post another question on how to get it working with bbPress.



    Ok, I’ll try that ….



    After speaking w/ Pagelines and not getting much help, found this:

    Change Breadcrumb url link

    ’s comment was a good fix for me.

    I appreciate your help earlier Stephen… cheers

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