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Formatting of User Profile and Search Results pages

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  • @cliffrohde


    I’m experiencing similar issues at, a Divi site. But even when I use one of the WordPress default themes (2023), I get similarly poorly formatted results at best. I agree with those suggesting this is primarily a bbPress issue, not a theme issue.



    that’s an interesting view given that the Divi Theme authors think it is a divi theme issue (but have not done anything about it).

    2023 is an FSE theme which has a whole bunch of different issues I am working on.

    I presume you tried the fixes suggested by Dozza above ?



    The folks at Elegant Themes have suggested creating a template for search results, which I’ve not done yet, but we’ll see if that does anything.

    And yep, tried the other suggestions in this thread.



    thanks, do keep us updated.

    as this is a commercial theme, I do not have access to it, but agree it would be good to have it fully working with bbpress



    ok, I found the divi theme on one of my customer sites and tested and followed Dozza’s advice

    so go to

    dashboard>Divi > Theme options > Builder > Advanced > Static CSS File Generation > Clear.
    dashboard> divi > Theme Options > Performance> Dynamic CSS option and disable

    THEN critically you need to clear and server side caching, AND clear your browser cache.

    Server side will depend on your host, and/or any caching plugins you have installed.
    Browser – see this helpful article

    How To Clear Cache for All Major Browsers

    then it all worked fine

    thanks Dozza for your work on this 🙂



    @robin-w Glad it worked for you too.



    Thanks @dozza and @robin-w

    I went back and redid it. Worked. Much appreciated!

    I also have the site on Cloudflare and have set up a rule to have certain pages bypass the Cloudflare cache.



    Hey @dozza, @robin-w, @cliffrohde,

    Good work by the sounds of things. I’ll revisit this on my client site and report back.




    Disabling Dynamic CSS in Divi (as advised by @robin-w here) worked for me too.

    When using the Divi Theme Builder you can not create a template for the user profile page. That is unexpected.

    Is it because the user profile page is not created as a custom post type like Topic, Reply etc.?
    It looks like that when I inspect the plugin code (especially the template.php-files in the includes folder).

    If the user profile page (and search page) was created as a custom post type, would it fix these situations (?):
    – that you have to disable Dynamic CSS in Divi to get the stylesheets to load
    – that you can’t create a template for profiles with the Divi Theme Builder
    – the similar issue with the other themes

    Best regards and thanks for a great plugin!

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