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file attachments….

  • @brampamp


    I have a need to allow file attachments (.pdf, .doc etc) to be uploaded and associated with posts. The file needs to be uploaded when the post is created available for download from within the post by any users.

    Anyone know if there’s any support for this yet?

    I’ve looked through extend but not found anything.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • @chrishajer


    I have not seen any plugins yet for that.



    It’s a shame, it seems like a really good feature and this is a bit of a killer feature for me – never mind I think I might have to look at other forum software – any one know any good ones that include file upload?



    Here is a comparison of lots of different forum software:

    The “image attachment” column in some cases applies to other files types. Maybe you can find something you like there that includes file attachments?

    Good luck.



    I suggest phpbb it has a very nice attachment plugin, with many functions



    It should be pretty easy to do something like this.

    Create an uploader and tell the forum to give a link from the first post to the uploaded stuff it a file exist.

    There are some variables that needs to be taken into account like, topic id, user id, attachment id.

    The only thing that I do not have now is a function that does:

    if attachment exist

    echo attachment link



    Link to the phpbb attachment mod:

    Forum excample:

    One of the best mods for phpbb.




    I am preparing to switch from PHPbb to bbPress.

    PHPbb has indeed many more MODs but its a nightmare when it comes to security and spam.



    I am in no way even considering using something like phpbb. I’ve had too many bad experiences with it.

    What I am using my forum for (still looking to switch from Vanilla to BBPress possibly) is a support forum for a web design company. Each client has a specific category. Either, they are new clients that we are showing designs to or they are existing clients who sometimes have tech support questoins that require screen shots to be attached, or they want to upload pdfs, docs, fonts, etc to be used on the maintenance of thier site.

    I’d love to see an attachments feature. It would help my decision of moving to this software.



    i need attachment plugin too it is so important for a forum



    Finally a thread to use this page I was saving:

    Matt doesn’t want bbpress to have features.

    He actually recommends punbb if you want more features like file attachments.

    [bbpress] is never going to have a tenth of the features of phpBB or vBulletin … bbPress is not going to have avatars, or put post counts next to your name

    What he wants is pingbacks so a million spammers, er, I mean a million micro-forums, can add posts to your site without ever visiting it or following topics. He wants to de-centralize any sense of community.

    (if you don’t get my humour, I disagree with his logic but don’t get me wrong I still respect him – bbpress is growing on me far more than punbb – also note that punbb is at least a year older than bbpress and has far more developers – bbpress has not even approached any kind of critical mass yet – punbb does not have built in private-messaging, polls and file attachments either)

    ps. compare



    Man, it’s like you’re on a campaign against bb. Even if your humour is hyperbole (and I guess I don’t get it), I think you’ve been funny enough times and people get the point. It’s good that bb it growing on you, but do you have to keep riding around on it? It’s not even relevant. The dudes that talked about this three months ago are gone (or at least, not here these days) and that conversation is dead. The guy who posted a day ago is asking about a plugin. If you just wanted to say bb will never get file attachments … meh, you could just have done that.



    :) Listen!

    i know the way of bbpress minimalistic design and minimalistic develop so

    we need attachment feature for our support to wp users sometimes they need to upload their file to show and share them it comes form my experience now lets gather to make attachment plugin :) something like wp attachment any ideas?






    i too would really like an attachment plugin. (actually my forum users would moreso than me, but isn’t that what matters?)



    Yes, I need an image uploader/file attachment thingie as well.

    It’s the usual: I’d write one…if I could.

    Is there something inherent in the current (0.8.3) bbPress set-up (plugin API, or whatever) that makes creating an uploader particularly difficult? It seems to me that anyone with Some Skills could whip one up in…minutes?!




    > It seems to me that anyone with Some Skills could whip one up in…minutes?!

    Not really.

    A major problem right now is lack of per-post metadata. Even if that were present, this would not be a trivial task.



    > A major problem right now is lack of per-post metadata. Even if that were present, this would not be a trivial task.

    I think I get it. There’s not enough stuff in the core to associate an upload with a post, especially if it were to be moved around, deleted, whatever…? Something like that? Anyhow, the core would have to be modified to do this?

    Hmmm… How about a simple PHP file uploader script, running completely outside, with the upload form presented along with post form? Then, if the uploaded image URL could be displayed, it could be copied and pasted into the post, or into the input box from the Allow Images plugin. Sounds a bit convoluted, but if you really want to let people upload images, would that work? At least, for now…?



    That’s not really an attachment.

    If you want people to be able to upload images and post links to them, just put a link to in your template and be done. That doesn’ t require any scripts.



    Wow – so many red flags:

    1. “Wouldn’t it be easy to…” (the hidden cost of change)
    2. “This shouldn’t take long” (artificial time frame)
    3. “Can you make this small change real quick?” (“small” and “quick”)
    4. “Before you finish X, could you do Y?” (the mental costs of interruption)
    5. “Let’s push this today” (artificial scope)

    Not all apply here: I just cut-n-pasted the whole thing. I’d say 3 out of 5 is not bad though…



    Thanks for ImageShack, that looks quick. I don’t need the whole file attachment bit (I realize I’m a little off-topic for this thread, but it’s kinda close).

    The red flags make sense if you’re developing software… :)

    I also found this “Asynchronous image file upload without AJAX” PHP script that looks like it might work for, um, what I want right away. I’ll give it a try and see what happens…

    Thanks again!



    Hehe, yeah Chris, couldn’t agree more with you there. I was thinking much the same thing. ^_^

    So, tbronson, I don’t understand. Did you want *attachments*? Or just for people to be able to upload images somewhere? And what script did you end up using? I think now that you can even integrate imageshack into your site, but using their servers to host the images; their api looks made just for that.



    You Guys can have such a limited sense of humor… :)

    Sorry, I started a new topic for this, which I should’ve done from the beginning…

    (fel64: I simply want to allow forum users to have the option of uploading images and then displaying those images in a post.)



    This is a feature I’d need as well. If someone is interested in writing such an extension, I suggest starting with WordPress wp-admin/upload.php as the basis for the extension. This file is resposible for the file attachment uploads in WordPress administrator intefrace and I don’t see any reason reinventing the wheel. It used for example by WordPress wp-admin/post-new.php as an Iframe inclusion.

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