First of all, for the export/import, consider the v2.6 of bbPress as exporting and importing has been improved. It’s a release candidate but very stable: https://bbpress.org/download/
To export: Tools > Export and select forums, topics and replies
To import: Tools > Import and choose WordPress
Hi all… I’m trying to export/import a bbpress forum very large (20k topic, 10k user and so on)
from a wordpress site (https://domande.analisidelsangue.net) to another (https://www.analisidelsangue.net) .. is there some plugin than can help me to do it? I’m triyng to do it using export/import function of wordpress… but I have only errors… thnkx a lot
Hi, I would need to move our forums, topics, replies and the users from development server to live site. I have done with exporting and importing those in live site, but the relationship between the forums and topics are not getting updated, so we are getting a message as no topics inside the forum when viewed from frontend.
Can anyone let me know if there are any other ways to perform this export/import functionality?
Hi, I’m also trying to do this, with no luck so far.
I have separate xml export files for Forum, Topics and Replies.
I can import the Forum and Topics, but not replies ( They import but then crash WP when you try and view them from the dashboard )
When I import Topics they all show OK in the dashboard but not in the forum. To get them to appear in a forum you have to edit each Topic and update it ( nothing more ). This is painful when there are thousands of Topics.
Has anyone solved how to Import existing XML exports? I’d especially like to be able to import into an existing bbpress forum which would need merging and new post ids etc.
Any ideas?
Thnx Alan
Hello @alanjacobs
I have more or less the same problem as you. I managed to export the forums and topics, I also export the answers, but when I click to see them, I get to an Error 500 – Internal Server Error page.
And yet, the answers are there, see screenshot.
Have you found a solution on your side?
Thank you in advance.
(Sorry for my English, but I’m French).

Possibly a cache plugin you use needs to be deactivated.
I tried this and it helps me.
Exporting your bbPress data (forums, topics , and replies could be really useful for a quick backup or a migration from one WordPress site with bbPress installed to another.
-Log into your WordPress back-end.
-Go to Tools > Export
-You will see a screen to choose what to export. You can either choose to export the bbPress content by each post type , or you can export all your content at once.
-When you have made your choice on what to export , then click the Download Export File button.
-Now you should be downloading the file that you could later on Import to another site by going to Tools > Import
Hi @cmistico,
did you found a solution for large forum ?
I also have issue with 1 240 000 replies, can’t manage with traditional import/export tools.
I wondering maybe can do something with WP-cli
We’re all in the same boat.
A bigger (or even medium sized) bbPress cannot be ported to another WP installation.
sort of…
It is doable, but requires a series of steps and some code.
I am trying in spare time to get this into a workable solution, but needs more work.