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Error in permalink

  • David13_13



    I’m having problems with the count of #permalink of each reply in my forum. It has started around number 5000 to count and I cant reset it with the tools. I have checked all the options for repair and nothing changes…

    And the count is not consecutive:

    Some help please

    Thanks in advance

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  • David13_13



    Robin W


    bbpress uses custom post types, so forum posts will take the next number available in wp-posts list, along with posts, pages and other custom post types.

    I’d suggest that if you’ve seen a big jump, then you spam filter is probably working hard, and that the missing numbers are spam comments in wordpress.



    I just checked it. I don’t have any spam comments, I have only 66 pages in my WordPress.

    Seems like the error is other… No way to solve it manually or some?


    Robin W


    you should be able to see what has taken those post numbers if you go into phpmyadmin – you host provider should let you know how to do this.

    Then look in wp_posts and click the ID column to get them into number order. You can then see what has taken those numbers.



    I have several jumps in the IDs… Do you know why?

    Thanks a lot

    At least, for each topic the number for the first message should be #1 no?

    Robin W


    no can’t tell you why you have jumps – again I suspect spam filter taking out commenst – do you run askimet?

    At least, for each topic the number for the first message should be #1 no?

    no, bbpress is using wordpress post numbers. Everytime a post, page, comment, forum, topic or reply (and any other custom posts) are created or media item (eg picture) is uploaded, a wordpress post number is allocated.

    Hence you could easily get large gaps in the numbers.



    I don’t have akismet enabled. But I checked the comments tab and I don’t found spam comments… It’s very, very stange

    Robin W


    Well there’s not a lot you can do about it.




    yeah this could happen on an active site especially if a popular topic is posted after post #1001

    then someone bumped the topic to #4938

    you can check and see if a popular topic was posted between these posts by checking some topics post time.

    you can show consecutive numbers though starting from #1 on each topic using bbp_reply_position()to replace the reply id in loop-single-reply.php

    but if a spam post comes in it wont be consecutive anymore it will skip a few

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