The plugin currently allows you to change the smilie “set”.
I intend future versions to be able to use multiple sets at the same time.
If you want to make your own sets, just look at how the default folder is done and build your own. There is a single PHP file to edit.
as _ck_ suggested, I move my issue here:
Just upgrade bbpress to 1.0 version, after active the bbpress smilies plugin I found an issue for previous post-form.php (previously I am using v0.8 and that plugin works.
The issue is at post-form.php, in my custom template directory.
<label for=”post_content”><?php _e(‘Post:’); ?>
<?php do_action(‘bb_grins’); ?>
<textarea name=”post_content” cols=”50″ rows=”8″ id=”post_content” tabindex=”3″>
<?php bb_quote_message(); ?>
Clearly <?php do_action(‘bb_grins’); ?> does not work anymore, because at the top of post form user can not see the smilies as before.
any idea? thanks.
See this part of the plugin, you need to change the bb_add_filter
bb_add_actionto just
* - Define for bbPress interface
$bbemoticons = & new bbEmoticons();
bb_add_filter('post_text', array(&$bbemoticons, 'convert_smilies'));
//bb_head is not called always. 
//bb_add_action('bb_head', array(&$bbemoticons, 'bb_grins_head'));
bb_add_action('bb_feed_head', array(&$bbemoticons, 'bb_grins_head'));
bb_add_action('bb_grins', array(&$bbemoticons, 'bb_grins'));
See this part of the plugin, you need to change the bb_add_filter
bb_add_actionto just
* - Define for bbPress interface
$bbemoticons = & new bbEmoticons();
bb_add_filter('post_text', array(&$bbemoticons, 'convert_smilies'));
//bb_head is not called always. 
//bb_add_action('bb_head', array(&$bbemoticons, 'bb_grins_head'));
bb_add_action('bb_feed_head', array(&$bbemoticons, 'bb_grins_head'));
bb_add_action('bb_grins', array(&$bbemoticons, 'bb_grins'));
Hi _ck_
why when we put 3 or 2 smileys together and the second doesn’t show picture? please help to advise on this.
gnawph THANK YOU! Very good plugin without stupid emotions pop-up.