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Email notifications not working; looking for help

  • @mostlyjan


    I am going crazy and would love to get help here or hire someone. Am using bbPress but no emails are being sent to users.

    We are hosted on MediaTemple’s Gridservice.
    We use theme AVADA
    We created a forum in Admin and another using the frontend (read somewhere this may matter).
    Added all our users via Admin: 73 Participants, 3 Moderators, 2 Keymasters
    We tried the BBpress Digest Plugin but it never worked. Developer seems to be MIA.
    We tried BBpress Email notifications but that did not work either.
    We added the SMTP plugin; the “test emails” using it arrive fine but again, no subscription emails are ever sent.
    WordPress admin emails DO work fine (eg ‘pswd changed for user XYZ’).
    Activated Plugins:

    • bbPress,
    • GD bbPress Attachments
    • bbPress auto subscribe for new topics and replies,
    • Black Studio TinyMCE
    • Custom Login
    • Simple Members only
    • WP-Mail-SMTP
    • Fusion Core (Avada theme)

    We have a single Forum. At the top of that forum, there is no subscription/favorite link either.

    this very well may be the host but i am not 100% sure of that as the other emails work.

    i would happily pay someone to figure this out. i have spent hours and hours on this and am ready to look for alternatives. But unfortunately i have topics and 73 users…

    thanks to anyone who can give me new things to try. I am losing it here. And as said, i am all open to hiring someone; not sure what the policies are to that effect on this site…

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  • @killerrabbit2



    Did find any solutions? I am going through the exact some thing.



    nah. never heard anything from anyone or support and could not get this to work. Test emails work but nothing else. Tried everything. We are dumping this bbpress and will look for something that works and/or has support. Very disappointing. Hope you get yours to work.



    I have this issue as well and I am going to get to the bottom of it somehow or another and will post here when I find out the issue.

    The plugins I have similar to OP are:
    Black Studio TinyMCE
    GD bbPress Attachments



    @rrhode – Robin was able to help me with this solution with a few plugins. Go to if you want to contact him.



    Are you able to post the solution here? Or do you not know what it is exactly?

    Oddly it will send any test notifications to me if I create replies on a post or within a forum I am subscribed to. It just seems to not work sometimes. I’m not entirely sure why yet but I haven’t had much time to dig into it yet but I do know that on most occasions in real situations I have not gotten any email notifications.



    I gave you his info because I paid him (a modest amount) to develop plugins to solve the problem. It would be great if he can get a donation.

    Here are the problems he solved:

    1. If you are a user and subscribe to a topic you will get notifications. However, if you actually post to the topic and do not check the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” it will unsubscribe you from the topic. Robin created a plugin that makes the check box automatically checked if you are subscribed to a topic.

    2. If a user subscribes to a forum he not automatically subscribed to new topics. Robin created a plugin to fix that as well. The only thing that you have to consider is that if there is an existing forum, once a user is subscribed they will not receive notifications to previous topics. If they are interested in them then they would need to go back and subscribe to those specific topics. However, going forward a user would always be notified of new topics posted.

    Hope this helps. Again, Robin is great and I would love to see him be rewarded for fixing huge bugs within bbPress.



    my issue is not checking checkboxes. This plugin has never found a way to send an email other than the test emails (those work fine). Whether a user subscribes on the front end or i assign stuff through admin makes no difference.

    I tried the default: test fine no digests though.
    I then installed the smtp plugin: tests fine but nothing else.

    does not work. pissed off client as we never got it working. no support. very frustrating.



    Had same issue. Disabled WP-Mail-SMTP and worked for me.



    I am facing the same issue.



    @Cartographer I would contact Robin for the solution.



    I was hoping that would be easy to find a solution. It is a bbpress feature after all.

    Maybe I miss something but my setup is very simple:

    WP 4.0.1
    BP 2.1.1
    bbPress 2.5.4
    Theme Twentyfourteen

    I receive every other email without any problem (e.g. buddy press mention emails). The problem only occurs with bbPress.



    I know exactly what you are saying here. This should be fundamental feature with the plugin. Soo frustrating. Do contact Robin. You will indeed find a easy solution with what he programmed for me. He was OK with me linking the plugins but he really saved me so that’s why I am asking you to contact him so that he could get a small donation.



    Indeed, because this is considered a feature of base bbPress, subscription should just work. It doesn’t for anyone of my forum members or myself. This and a few other limitations are not inspiring my confidence to sustain using this forum structure.



    I also have this issue. I’m getting no e-mail notifications. How to fix it?



    @andreippo – Contact Robin. He will set you strait.




    I am facing the same issue
    thanks for the information



    In some cases, it might be because the subscription emails are now being sent with all subscribers bbc’ed in rather than individually from a created no-reply address. The reason for the change is that posting new replies or topics was taking too long as it cycled through sending those emails. However, for some people (myself included), that wasn’t an issue.

    You can go back to the previous way as outlined here (as I mentioned, I have similar code in a plugin) but it should work if you put it in a file called bbp-functions.php in your bbpress theme.

    Actually, you might — after doing all the things you would do before you install a new plugin — try going back to the previous way with this: MJJ bbP 2.5.3 Subs. It does what it says on the tin, just uses the old functions from bbPress 2.5.3 to send subscription mails. Again, it might slow down new replies or topics. It doesn’t for me but just keep an eye on it.




    I did contact Robin, his response:

    “The only fixes ( I have are the ones in the original email.

    If emails are coming from wordpress, then they should be ok from bbpress.

    Do you have any plugins that could be causing conflict, or maybe your theme.


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.”

    Did anyone solve this?



    It looks like there are possibly 2 issues being reported here.

    One issue reported by the OP is that emails are not working properly. Another being that people aren’t being notified due to the subscribe checkboxes not actually being checked by default causing people to become unsubscribed when they post replies to topics they were previously subscribed to.

    The first issue with emails sounds like it could be conflicts with themes or plugins. However if it is actually an email issue it could also be that the emails from the server aren’t being properly sent or received which could be for a number of reasons such as bad DNS records or improper mail server configuration.

    The second issue is that when posting topics or replies the subscription checkboxes are not checked by default. This is described above by Killerrabbit2 here in this post:

    I think if bbpress added an option to set the default state of the checkboxes to allow the subscription checkboxes to be checked or unchecked with the default being checked would be part of the solution for the second issue.

    You can set the default setting to be checked by editing the bbpress template files /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/form-topic.php and /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/form-reply.php and finding the subscription input checkboxes and adding checked to them seems to fix part of it.

    <input name="bbp_topic_subscription" id="bbp_topic_subscription" type="checkbox" value="bbp_subscribe" checked tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" />

    Another issue seems to be that it doesn’t subscribe to topics within a forum when subscribing to an entire forum. So for example if you subscribe to a forum and a topic isn’t checked within that forum (which is how bbpress is currently set by default since it doesn’t subscribe to things by default) then it won’t notify you of new replies. Kind of defeats the purpose of subscribing to an entire forum I think. So if you subscribe or unsubscribe to an entire forum it should subscribe or unsubscribe all posts within that forum at that time. I haven’t tried adding code to fix this yet.

    I suspect some bbpress templates could actually do this stuff for the second issue properly. Not sure if people even release new ones ever or not. It’s also possible that some themes could potentially already have their own bbpress templates which potentially could be broken or outdated causing issues.



    I’m also stopped recive the notifications by email after update… to 2.5.4 (not sure about version). This happens because new bbPress send one email to all subscribed people. I publish the solutions for another issue few weeks ago but it also the solution for your issue.

    In few words about my code:

    1. Disable default bbPress notifications (one email per all users).
    2. Add similar notifications but it sends one email per user and WordPress send it by using cron (not immediately).

    P. S. I’m also using WP SMTP plugin to send email throw external SMTP server.



    As I just said in another thread about this issue-

    Just tested and no emails here either. This is strange cause I subscribed to one of the buddypress forums and I am getting emails when new topics are being posted.
    Are they using another version of bbpress?



    @netweb @johnjamesjacoby
    Any news on subscribers to the forums not getting emails?



    not sure if it would help, but just tried this plugin,, and works perfectly find with me. =)




    Thanks for helping, im editing now my website



    This is happening to me as well. If I try to use any sort of SMTP mailing plugin, no notifications are sent from bbPress. Disabling SMTP fixes it, but that is hardly a solution. I will be following this topic closely for a solution.

    bbPress: 2.5.4
    Wordpress: 4.1
    Email plugin: SendGrid

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