Display only 5 recent topics and show certain forums?
Hi Everyone!
For my main forum homepage or the archive i want to display different forums into sections rather than having a list of forums that is the bbpress default.
So this is the code used to display all the forums,
<?php while ( bbp_forums() ) : bbp_the_forum(); ?> <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'loop', 'single-forum' ); ?> <?php endwhile; ?>
So how would i add some arguments to this to display certain forums from there ID’s?
Also on the main page i want to show 5 recent topics, i believe the loop code is this,
<?php while ( bbp_topics() ) : bbp_the_topic(); ?> <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'loop', 'single-topic' ); ?> <?php endwhile; ?>
If anyone has managed to use a custom loop using the above code to display 5 recent topics or a custom WP_Query, i’ll be very grateful if you could show some example code.
Kind Regards
~ Matt
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