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Custom Forum Pagination

  • @alastair123


    Hi Guys,
    I’ve taken it upon myself to try and create my own customised forum – I’ve got it mostly working how I’d like, but I’ve hit a brick wall in trying to easily customise how the pagination should look for the lists of topics and also replies.

    I can see where this is being generated in the bbpress plugin PHP code, but ideally I would leave that alone as my changes could disappear on a plugin upgrade.

    I tried following a useful tutorial I found on WPUP, but it didn’t generate any pagination at all – perhaps I am on a different plugin version or something.

    Any advice on how to go about this would be really appreciated!

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  • @robin-w


    ok, can you define what you mean by ‘customisation’? do you mean style, or say entries per page or what ?




    I’d really like to just be able to access the raw data so that I can style it myself with say Bootstrap + custom CSS.


    “Posts: 25 [showing 11 to 19]”
    “<- 1 2 ->”

    So I would need the total replies for the current topic, current page, etc. And I would need to create the necessary links to then show the next / prev set of posts (or topics).



    ok, to save me searching where is ‘I can see where this is being generated in the bbpress plugin PHP code’



    It looks like the default pagination details are being generated like this:

    plugins -> bbpress -> templates -> default -> bbpress -> pagination-topics.php

    Inside this module are these calls which go into the plugin:


    These are both defined in:

    plugins -> bbpress -> includes -> topics -> template.php



    both those functions have filters, so you could quite happily amend them using a filter, which would then not be affected by plugin updates



    Oh, excellent – that’s perfect, I’ll look into doing it that way – thanks very much for taking the time to answer!






    I managed to get the page counts how I want using a filter – however, for the pagination links, this looked a bit beyond me, so I resorted to hacking the generated HTML in Javascript to create the markup I wanted … and it looks pretty good now.

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