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change copy in error message

  • jessiemele


    I am using a function to restrict the ability to create new topics in specific forums:

    `function buddydev_is_restricted_forum( $forum_id ) {
    $restricted_forum_ids = array( 1347, 93, 91, 89, 95, 1348, 1394, 1349 );
    if ( in_array( $forum_id, $restricted_forum_ids ) ) {
    return true;
    return false;
    function buddydev_bbp_restrict_topic_creation( $can ) {
    if ( ! bbp_is_user_keymaster() && bbp_is_single_forum() && buddydev_is_restricted_forum( bbp_get_forum_id() ) ) {
    $can = false;
    return $can;
    add_filter( ‘bbp_current_user_can_publish_topics’, ‘buddydev_bbp_restrict_topic_creation’ );

    function buddydev_restrict_from_posting_topic( $forum_id ) {
    if ( ! bbp_is_user_keymaster() && buddydev_is_restricted_forum( $forum_id ) ) {
    //set error on bbpress and it will not allow creating topic
    bbp_add_error( 403, __( ‘Not allowed’ ) );
    add_action( ‘bbp_new_topic_pre_extras’, ‘buddydev_restrict_from_posting_topic’ );’

    The function works and on those specific forum pages I get an error message that says “You cannot create new topics.” I want to change that copy to say something different but I can’t seem to find where it is coming from. I looked for a 403 error but found nothing and I tried to change the ‘Not allowed’ portion of the ( 403, __( ‘Not allowed’ ) ); but that changed nothing as well.

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