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Can't Import from Vanilla

  • @jaymzyates



    I am attempting to import an older forum from my Vanilla installation. The Vanilla install is local to my machine with WP/BBpress. When I enter the DB name, username and PW all i get are the following:

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    Conversion Complete
    Starting Conversion

    Nothing actually imports though. Any ideas where I can look for issues?

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  • @jaymzyates


    Actually I can’t import anything. I’ve tried a couple of other forum databases I had lying about as a test. It’s like the importer isn’t being invoked or a password is wrong or something. I’ve doublechecked everything, my DB host IP address, username, db name, pass are all correct and verified.

    Is there some issue with my DB’s not being on localhost perhaps?





    Thanks. I did look through all the troubleshooting steps…

    something is pretty bizzare here.. so I tested connecting to the mysql server from the webserver via cmdline,

    mysql -h 208.97.xx.xx -u username -pPassword DBName

    all works fine.

    I try the exact same information in the importer and nothing happens, no errors are logged, nothing.. so then for fun, I try removing the username and I get the following:

    Warning: mysql_connect(): No such file or directory in /home/username/mysite/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1416

    Not really the error message I would expect, but none the less.. I put back in the username and get the exact same error. It’s like it’s not passing the variables through. Any other suggestions?



    hopefully @netweb will pick this up he is the import specialist.



    Thanks. I started a new thread about the issue since it wasn’t really related to Vanilla.

    Problem passing remote username when importing

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