Well… I beat my head against this wall the whole day and got exactly nowhere. bbPress still is broken, now after over two days… and frankly, I have no idea at the moment how to fix it.
Ah I see you’ve been going back and forth with Sam in trac:
It looks like he moved it into the version 1.5 milestone… not sure what that means priority wise. But it sounded like he was saying that SunOS support isn’t a priority on the official roadmap. But developer support isn’t the only path here – someone may be able to come up with a plugin to add Solaris support! Especially if we can define exactly what the issue is.
Right now probably isn’t the best time to get bandwidth from Sam, since bbPress 1.0 seems to be in the process of going gold in the next week or so.
Just out of curiosity – does WordPress have any issues running on Solaris?
WordPress is working great. I had a couple of minor config details on the install, but it went in marvelously.
I know what the problem is. It’s bb_repermalink. It’s creating 404s and endless loops because the code inside it can’t handle the way SunOS sets up it’s system variables. The problem is, I don’t know what the stupid thing is supposed to do, so I cant figure out if the code is fixed or broken (and of course there are exactly zero tech docs on either it or bbPress). There are some REALLY strange regex replace operations in there that frankly look wrong to me, but I don’t know enough about bb at the moment to know how to fix them.
I’m going to completely disable repermalink tomorrow, and see if I can get the rest of the system to work without it. I tried that a bit ago and at least got past the first page. (although it told me, when I clicked on one of the forums it was displaying that the forum didn’t exist. At least that’s better than 404s and infinite loops.)
Not caring about SunOS is shortsighted in my view, and calling the current code ‘Golden’ would be a mistake. What I’m seeing in bb_permalink is going to cause major problems in tons of non-Sun machines, I believe. If they release 1.0 the way it is, I predict it will crash on a large percentage of WP users’ machines and engender a great deal of dissatisfaction as a result.
My 2c, for what it’s worth.
By going gold, I just meant that the bbPress staff is about to officially declare a release as version 1.0:
I personally think that there have been a lot of code changes (and new features) recently, and some extra time to focus as a community on identifying and debugging issues would be really good for the release. But obviously it’s not my call.
After version 1 comes out, a wiki-based codex will be added to the site and we’ll work as a community to get the documentation up. Hopefully there can be more documentation around what functions like bb_permalink are intended to do. I’ll do my best to see if we can’t nail down bb_permalink’s specs asap!
Hope I didn’t say anything to offend… I’m just a bbPress user, trying to help out another user.
Nope, no offense at all. And I’m more than happyto work with the community as a contributing member. I second your thoughts regarding the release. I don’t think we’re ready either. I suspect WP is under a lot of pressure to bet bb out.
I’ll make it work… sooner or later
@johnhiller – On the other hand, going gold will mean more people using it and thus more people screaming for help and bitching at bugs
Which is stressful, but honestly there’s nothing like a real-world test. (She says, having spend 6 months beta testing new software, had NO bugs in her queue, and then twenty minutes in the wild had a fill ticket queue again
You just can’t test everything.)
Know what? I got fed up with my hosting service. ;P
I spent the entire morning working on my bbPress implementation, and had an epiphany about ten minutes ago. I asked myself… ‘Why in the name of the seven seas are you using Concentric?’ When I couldn’t come up with a better answer than ‘it’s what I always use’, I whipped out Google, entered the term ‘best wordpress hosting service’, was routed to WordPress’ hosting page, and I just signed up with bluehost.
So… this is now all moot (hopefully). I’m planning on just working on CONTENT after my nameserver updates happen! YAY!!!!!!!
I feel like going on vacation