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Both private and public part in one forum

  • @alice2dupouy


    Hi everybody 🙂

    And first of all:
    – Sorry for my English mistakes :/
    – Sorry if I post in the wrong forum(?)
    – Sorry if this question was already asked: I looked for an answer for 2 days and I can’t find anything which suits exactly to my problem :'(

    I am trying to create a very simple forum for this website:
    I am using the latest versions of WordPress, BBpress, BuddyPress etc.
    I’ve read all the documentation, lots of topics but I still don’t know how to have:
    – One “public” part: everybody is able to see the forums and topics, but people have to be registered to post something.
    – One “private” part:only registered members belonging to a special group are able to see and post in this part. I would like to manually add these users to the group, after they create their profile.

    Really, I think I am stupid because I CAN’T get there. I’ve tried everything: private forums, public ones, creating multiples groups with Buddypress. But no way. There is always a problem (and even if I get something correct, there is still a problem such as the breadcrumb which doesn’t display correctly)!

    Please I need help before snatching all my hair, I’m on the verge of abandoning everything T_T

    Thank you very much in advance and sorry for this so simple question

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  • @robin-w


    no problem you need my private groups plugin as additional to bbpress.



    Omg… I already tried this plugin sooner but it didn’t work correctly. I just tried again (after re-installing it) and now it works and my settings are almost done.
    Now I’m fighting with the different registration/login/etc components, but I’m more confident with this stuff!
    Thank you very much for your quick answer and have a good day! 🙂



    great – glad you’re fixed

    You can also try my style pack, which has some login features as well as lots of styling stuff



    Do you have to manually put members into those groups? I was trying to figure out a way to make certain members automatically become a part of a group or something.

    My ideal scenario would be being able to make a forum private/hidden and to only allow those with the URL to have access. The goal is to easily allow a large group of people to enter into a private forum by passing out the URL and having another large group of people have their own forum by passing out the URL. Robin, I have been browsing around a lot and you seem to be very knowledgeable on this stuff. Any way solution you know of? Unfortunately, I am not so tech savvy with this stuff.



    yes you just need to have different wordpress roles for each group.

    plenty of wordpress role plugins to achieve that


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