bbPress Topics for Posts comment
Once you have installed your plugin and created the posts, they are not modified so the modification would only be useful for those who install it for the first time.
I also wanted to ask if there is a way to update that field in forum topics when editing in admin.Also missing is the word Leave a comment above.
Sorry for my many questions but I have to use it for my big site and before I can do it I have to make sure everything is working.
As I say I don’t plan to change how the default works – you can change that for your site, and yes it does not apply retrospectively
‘I also wanted to ask if there is a way to update that field in forum topics when editing in admin.’
yes just edit the topic.‘leave a comment’ is part of the comment form, and that is disabled when topics for posts shows. You can add that back on dashboard>settings>discussion>bbPress Topics for Posts Strings>Link text
Ok I try to do it myself.
I find this plugin great and everyone should use it.
If it is set to perfection more and more users will use it and the plugin will be active.Another information …
If a forum post is deleted, is there any way to regenerate it?
Thanks for your time‘If it is set to perfection more and more users will use it and the plugin will be active.’
I agree, but this is free software that I write in my spare time, I get no income for doing this, and have limited time to write code 🙂
you should find the topic/reply in the dashboard if you have not permanently deleted it.
Yes of course, you are not obliged to make changes, you already do a lot.
I just say a few things that can be improved so as to make this plugin more and more used by everyone.
If many start using it, maybe there are also people who can help out.🙂
Another piece of information and then I finally activate it on my big site with about 400 tabs on parrots …
When creating forum posts at first setup, are posts created only for articles or pages too?let me look at how that works and come back
Ok perfect, because the pages of the blog in my opinion should not have the post in the forum also defoult.
In the settings you should have 2 options:
Create posts for articles.
Create posts for pages.I think I understand, however, that if the comments are closed, the topic in the forum is not created for an article or a page.
If you decide to open comments on an article or page at a later time, then how do you create the forum post?Thank you
@ricsca2 I’ve just released version 1.8.9 which has the ability to decide between posts, pages or both.
and if you click the ‘apply settings to existing posts’, this only does posts
very thanks
I try to contact the most used themes to convince them to use this plugin among those they recommend 😀interesting, I get
cab you try refreshing or restarting your browser
on the test site the button is visible while on the main site it is not.
I noticed however that as you select any box, the button is no longer clickable.
Tomorrow I will email you your access data.
thank you very much for your availability@ricsca2 – try 1.9.0 and let me know if this is better.
The ‘button is no longer clickable’ has always been there, but I’ve added text to make it clearer why !
Is there any way to reverse/undo Topics for Posts and convert/migrate selected BBPRESS forum topics back to comments attached to a page?
For a number of reasons I’m considering removing BBPRESS from my site to stop trying to be a place of conversation on everything for everyone in it’s subject field and rationalise my site back to it’s core objective.
Doing so would also result in removing a significant number of plug-ins related to BBPRESS leading to better performance and less operational overhead, both for the site and for me personally.My Google Fu obviously isn’t on point as I’ve not found anything about doing this so far.
Also should this be a ‘Topics for Posts’ question or a core BBpress level question, have I asked in the right place? I suspect there might be more core issues around where/how members are defined involved as well. I also run Buddypress if that matters and I wasn’t considering removing that at this time.
here is fine, I look at both !
nothing exists – it could be written, but beyond free help.
The first obvious question would be how you define/choose ‘selected BBPRESS forum topics’
I figured it might be a case of nothing existing, everything is all about making comments into BBpress topics and replies.
Comments are about the only standard WP content type that isn’t a ‘Post’ so it’s obviously not as simple as changing the post type in wp_posts and getting to retain all the relationships between the Comments as the ID’s are unchanged.My site has a bit over 300 pages which have associated BBPress Topics created via Topics for Posts, these Topics all live in the same BBPress Forum. They would be the primary selection.
Beyond that there are BBPress Topics that I’d like to change to Posts and their Replies which I’d like to be Comments as children/belonging to the Post. Again these Topics are all children of the same BBPress Forum.
I guess I’ll have to have a think about it, it’s a community forum that barely covers it’s basic outgoings each year so there’s not a pot of cash sitting around for it.
I could just turn off the forums that are no longer useful, but removing BBPress would allow the removal of another dozen supporting plugins as well.There are plugins for exporting BBpress data so maybe I could string together something with this
doubtful – formats must match and suspect they won’t.
I just found this as well, though I haven’t delved into it.
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4 years, 2 months ago
Article comments should be integrated into defoult’s bbpress in my opinion.
I do not understand why this function does not actually exist and wordpress mentine these two desired services. In this way today few people leave comments and few people write in the forum …
I saw that the creatre of this plugin is @Robin W so I would like to ask him why wodpress doesn’t take this option into consideration.
Also I’d like to ask why this plugin hasn’t been updated in a while.