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bbPress customization: Can't integrate into existing template (shortcodes OK)

  • @leanderbraunschweig


    Hi there – and sorry upfront for yet another question with regards to bbPress-Themes…

    • I have been doing thorough research in the forums, no answers for me…
    • Versions: WordPress running 3.4.2, bbPress is 2.1.2

    My situation_

    I have setup bbPress to work with my custom theme (OptimizePress) and embedded the [bbp-forum-index]-shortcode into a single page (“forum”). Here I could obviously pick a site-template and therefore the forum is nicely embedded into my site-layout.

    Since I cannot continue using shortcodes & (slug-)pages for dynamically generated topics, I went ahead and followed the customization instructions. I can ensure that the right (template-)files are called upon (inside my /theme-directory) because I played around with content-single-forum.php f.ex. and also checked for the correct CSS-reference.

    I also followed the instructions concerning the functions.php (in /theme):

    add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );
    remove_action( 'bbp_enqueue_scripts', 'bbp_theme_compat_enqueue_css' );

    Now I need to wrap the forum-specific template-files with the page-template used by my custom theme. I already tried integrating the bbPress-code into the exisiting page-template with no positive result (no server-response or strange loop-behaviour).

    Either I went down the right road but am weak in skill at modifying PHP-Code or there is a far easier approach I haven’t seen/figured out yet (which again doesn’t compliment me on my skill-level…).

    Anyways, maybe someone can help me out / hint me into the right direction.

    Thanks so much in advance,


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  • @bartleynen


    Hi Henning,

    Funny I came across your topic. I’ve been looking for days for a way to integrate bbPress into a memership site using Optimizepress. I was starting to feel kinda lonely as I began supposing I was the only one with this wish.

    I was thinking maybe we could help each other. I think it’s reasonable to assume nobody will come along and help us out here after 6 days. I suppose we’re on our on own on this one. So if you feel like it, you can contact me at bart.leynen(at) and we can see if we can mean something for each other…



    We can always come back later and post the solution here…



    Testing something.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by 2c5designs.



    @Bart: I just texted you – let’s make this happen 🙂

    Any results will be shared here, so others may benefit. Hang in there.



    I am facing the same issue. Did you guys try to contact Optimize Press support?



    this is a topic that has been posted over 2 years yet OP2 doesnt have any work around on this.. i am now facing the same problem, i’ve tried everything yet it doesnt work, so any of you here have this resolved.. the format of the user profile page is like an excerpt with continue reading link it s*cks..


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