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bbPress 2.2.3 Released

  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Some fixes in bbPress 2.2.3:

    • Improve compatibility with some themes.
    • Fix integration with BuddyPress Group Forums.
    • Fix BuddyPress Activity Stream integration.

    It’s also fully compatible with WordPress 3.5.

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  • @alexvorn2


    I think that now bbPress is more popular than BuddyPress.



    I upgraded to the new bbPress version and now my Forum returns a 404 Page!

    Please help.



    did you updated the permalinks?



    Hello is anyone able to help? My Forum is down.

    I am still on WordPress 3.4.2 and I do not want to upgrade to 3.5 until this problem is fixed with bbPress.



    No I did not update the permalinks

    is that necessary?

    I have never done this before



    you can give a try



    It’s not always necessary, but everybody’s plugin combinations are different.

    A link to your site, and any additional information you can give allows us to be much more helpful than the “HALP! IT BROKE!” reply. 🙂






    My site is:

    It has now started working correctly without any changes from me

    this reminds me of another problem I am having where changes to my posts do not appear for sometime unless I open the post in another web browser or another computer

    I think this problem may have started with a bbPress update a couple of weeks ago

    has anyone else had a problem like this?



    I’m also getting ‘404 Not Found’ errors for all my forum pages (newadmin | newadmin)

    Strangely enough, it also breaks some of the login verification plugins I have, such as Unconfirmed and Buddypress Pending Activations (“Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/citymoos/public_html/showcase/websites/ridbcandme/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-pending-activations/bp-pending-activations.php on line 18 and defined in /home/citymoos/public_html/showcase/websites/ridbcandme/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990”).

    I don’t know if these errors are coming from the new BuddyPress 1.6.2, bbPress 2.2.3, or the new WordPress 3.5, which I had to update all at the same time today.



    I’ve also tried re-saving the permalinks (it’s currently on the to “Post name” option), but the problem persists.

    Is there something I should be doing after updating bbPress and BuddyPress?



    I have some problem my forum wanisch –

    wordpress 3.5 buddypress 1.6.2 and bbpress 2.2.3 theme salutation

    Pls helllp is live web with forum work well



    There is literally nothing in bbPress 2.2.3 that wasn’t also in 2.2.2 that could cause new 404 issues.



    That’s so strange, but I think I found what the problem was.

    For some reason, after updating bbPress and BuddyPress, all groups had reverted back to having no forums. For this reason when I clicked into a group forum page, such as, it returned a 404 error because there was no forum associated with that group.

    I went into PHPMyAdmin and opened up the “bp_groups” table, inside the “enable_forum” field I had to change them all from 0 to 1. I could’ve also gone to Groups > Admin > Enable Forum tick. I’m just not sure why the groups all reverted back to having no forums though. Luckily all the posts are still there and intact.



    Hi, since updating everything is working fine except the reply box for the forum isn’t re-sizing. I think it’s the wp-bbp_reply_content-editor-container. Sorry, new to this.
    I’m using wordpress 3.5 and bbpress 2.2.3 with the standard bbPress (twenty ten) theme. Anybody any ideas?




    I use bbpress plugins for the forums on my website, Since Monday morning when I updated to WordPress 3.5 and bbPress 2.2.3, my forums are not working properly. When logged in as an admin, they work fine for me, but anyone else who tried to post a message gets a 404 error. I’m pretty ignorant about these issues and have not been able to figure out hot to troubleshoot. Is there anyone who can help me?! Please??



    I also have the same problem on page 404
    When logging with bbPress highest account works very well
    When not logged into the system everything works very well also
    However, when logging in with your member account, 404 occurred with every link of bbPress

    This is my website: wp: v3.5
    This is my forum: bbppress: v: 2.2.3
    I use buddypress but only use the x-profile feature: buddypres v1.6.2

    You can test error with acc: ngoctrinh pass: s1234567
    Any help is really great!



    I do not really understand the problem.
    However I believe it is an error in the database table wp_options
    I was overcome as follows:
    1: Exporting all of the tables in the database  exclusion  wp_options
    2:  new wordpress installation complete
    3: remove all of the tables in the new database, but to wp_options
    4: Import database just saved aboveeverything

    Do it slowly and carefully, step by step. Did not have any errors

    You may have to re-install option, re-activate the plugins and themes …

    Any help is better than the best
    Sorry: my english is bad  ;( , try to understand 🙂



    How to fix this i install bbpress and buddypress and in every page of users open bbpress user profile



    I can report that I’m experiencing the same issue that TranThe is experiencing. Many users, once they get logged in are getting 404 errors.

    I can’t seem to figure it out. It does not seem to be entirely user role related and doesn’t seem to effect all the users, but I have a number of users and a testing account that get a 404 error.

    I see TranThe’s fix above, but that seems pretty drastic, I’m not in a position to re-install WordPress and rebuild the database yet because of this. I’m running BBpress on the mainsite of a multisite install that hosts nearly 100 websites. His fix is great for a single site, but for me that’s a major operation, my database is huge.



    I now have a problem where a new topic is not showing in the Forum page. I am using the latest version of WordPress and bbPress. My site is

    The Forum page is here and there is a new topic that I created that is not listed:

    Is anyone else having this problem?



    I am also having the same problem as Prometheus Fire and TranThe. I can view the forums when logged out OR with the Keymaster role. All other roles get a 404 error.



    I had the same 404 error problem as everyone else. I solved this by going to Wp-admin -> Extra -> Forums -> and by running all the recovery options. (My wp-admin is in Dutch so I might have translated it differenlty).

    It all works now. Thank god.. 😉



    Thanks! Your sollution worked here as well.



    Here still no solution 🙁
    Only keymasters and spectators can view the forum pages (and guests)
    If you are a moderator, participant or blocked you get a 404 page.

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