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bbPress 1.0 Release Candidate 1

  • @sambauers


    Hi everyone, bbPress 1.0 is moving beyond Alpha stage and skipping Beta to go straight into a series of Release Candidates towards a final 1.0 release. The first RC is now available for download.

    We’ve made this decision to push towards 1.0 final as the scope of what was going to be included in 1.0 has been whittled back and we have had some serious real world trials through TalkPress.

    Please note that if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress version 2.7.x or lower, you will need to add this line to your bb-config.php to maintain cookie compatibility:

    define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);

    When you upgrade WordPress to 2.8 that line will have to be removed.

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  • @dbosch


    bbpress integration plugin , cant find it. bbpress search comes up with wordpress integration plugin which isnt the same plugin. anyone has link ?



    @mortiferus, yes that worked for me, however you’d still need:

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    in wp-config.php




    bbPress integration plugin is in the WordPress plugin repository.



    Thanks jonkristian. I was able to fix it by upgrading to the RC-1 bbPress integration plugin, thanks sambauers!!! U rock!



    When I activate the pretty hyperlinks, they don’t work.

    I see mention about the .htaccess but not 100% sure what needs to go in that ?

    Or just a blank .htaccess in the root of my bbPress install? (done under a directory of /bb/)

    It’s currently a sub-domain of my main WP install.


    http://<WP install url>/bb/


    Got it!



    General Settings >Pretty permalink type>

    Look at “If you activate “Numeric” or “Name based” permalinks, you will need to create a file at /PATH/TO/BBPRESS/.htaccess containing the url rewriting rules provided here”. The provided here is a clickable link that will get you the needed code that you will then paste into a .htaccess file that you create at the root of your bbpress directory.

    Edit: Noticed that you got it. :)



    I did! I tend to do that. Have a problem, post for help, find a solution! (I find the solution SOONER if I post about a problem first….)



    Yesterday I updated a public site with a relatively inactive and fresh bbP forum from WP2.7.x and bbP1.0alpha-6 with the bbPress Integration 1.0-alpha-4.1 plugin…

    to WP2.8-beta2-11509 and bbP1.0-rc-1 with the bbPress Integration 1.0-rc-2 plugin.

    I haven’t done extensive testing, but the integration worked flawlessly before the upgrade (following Sam’s video tutorial sticky to the letter), and seems to work almost as well now.

    The one scenario I’ve found where it doesn’t work is users logging in from bbP cannot logout from WP. All other bbP/WP login/logout combinations seem to behave as expected; however the only way I could get this to happen was to not add the wp-config.php changes suggested by the bbPress Integration plugin. When I did add those changes it broke at least WP login entirely.

    I did a little bit of testing with different combinations of the definitions the bbPress Integration plugin suggests, and the details can be found in this post.




    For some reason, RC1 is having a problem connecting to my database. Followed the instructions to the letter. Ran the install and set all the database info to the same as before. Clicked the additional settings because I’m on dreamhost, which doesn’t use ‘localhost’. Everything saves just fine. Config file appears with proper settings in my bbpress directory. Go to step 2 and get “ERROR: Could not establish a database connection”. Double checked everything, did another clean install, still doesn’t work.

    BBPress shares a database with my wordpress installation, and wordpress sees the DB just fine.

    Any ideas?




    Sounds like you just have some trouble syncing up the cookie paths. Try playing with those settings in each config file.



    Just successfully integrated WP2.7 and bbpress RC1 but have a quick question regarding the cookie integration process. The cookie integration only works when I first login to my bbpress instance, ans as expected when I visit the wp directory I’m logged in. However logging in to my WP first and refreshing my bbpress DOES NOT log me in :(

    Not a big issue to be honest, I’ll just replace the wp login form with the bbpress one and bingo :)

    Any one experience this before?





    Any new updates on bbPres 1.0 Release Candidates?

    It’s been 4 weeks and I’ve noticed a ton of code check-ins during that time (

    Curious to know when RC2 can be expected.

    Thanks man, keep up the awesome work!


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