Anybody working on or know of an avatars plugin? One of my users is already asking about it…
Hello ,
try http://gravatar.com/ .
That’s pretty cool, but the plugin is only available for WordPress. That means you’d have to call the wordpress tag within bbPress, and I dont load wordpress with my forum (way too complicated for what i need)
However, somebody could take the wordpress code and customize it for bbPress
No , there’s a very simple way , simply use this url as the image url :
MD5 should be replaced by the md5 hash of the poster’s email address .
Look at the “How the URL is constructed” section on http://gravatar.com/implement.php if you need more options like the size , rating …
Well u can try this. Donno if it gonna work or not .. right now 12:54am so i dont have the time to test it
Try at ur own risk. Got problem dont blame me
. Well if this was wrong feel free to fix it.
function get_post_author_avatar() {
global $bbdb;
$id = get_post_author_id();
$user = bb_get_user( $id );
$usermail = $user->user_email;
$default = “http://www.somewhere.com/homestar.jpg”; // Put your default avatar link
$size = 40;
$grav_url = “http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id=”.md5($email).”&default=”.urlencode($default).”&size=”.$size;
echo “<img src=”$grav_url” alt=”Gravatar” />”;
Thanks Atsutane , $user->user_email is what i searched for !
Hi, because I am a bbpress baby, where does one make that change ?
Shuldn’t have to change anything. That’s all bbpress code.
It works for me, just had to change your variable name $usermail because it’s supposed to be $email – so the code looks like this:
function get_avatar() {
global $bbdb;
$id = get_post_author_id();
$user = bb_get_user( $id );
$email = $user->user_email;
$default = "http://eastcoastwahines.com/images/gravatar.gif"; // Put your default avatar link
$size = 40;
$grav_url = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id=".md5($email)."&default=".urlencode($default)."&size=".$size;
echo "<img src="$grav_url" alt="Gravatar" width="$size" height="$size" />";
You say this is bbpress code but after searching through every file I couldn’t find any reference to avatar in any of the code. Where exactly is this block of code placed?
Does anyone know?
U can put that code as a plugin.
Or you can use either of the avatar plugins available.
Well thats a no go it screwed the whole forum up and I had to re-install. Has anyone acually got this thing working? If so can you post the exact instruction here please!!!!
I use this plugin for MyBlogLog avatars, but looking at the code it seems to be already setup for Gravatars as well! Maybe take a look at it!
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