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Are there any localization files?

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  • Potter_System – your update did the trick – thanks :)


    Is there a place to send translated files for people who could need them ?

    Yea, I agree with lstelie.

    WP use subversion to manage each localized file:

    How do bbPress’ developers think about managing localized file?


    In case this can help, French files are here :


    Hi, I want to start german translation if there isn’t anyone out there still doing it.

    Anyone dissenting?

    i just started a german one:

    find it at

    its far from finished. i just started at the beginning. and when i was bored i started again at the end and hoped i would meet up in the middle.

    but there are still like 800 lines not translated. but contribute! :)

    Hi stigi. We should definitely merge our work, due to I have started translating as well and only have about 50 untranslated strings.

    I am presently hanging out in #bbpress on Freenode from time to time, so maybe lets meet there sometime.



    I’ve finished translating bbPress into Turkish from that given .po file. Thanks Falo. But, is this an official .po file?

    There are some problems, for example time items are not translatable, some missing strings and a problem in profile page.

    If I translate “Edit” into my language the link of edit page also changes; and we cannot edit the profile. And also, similar problem in “Favorites” string. If we translate “favorites” the link of favorites page changes as well.

    Finally, I’ve translated “Allowed tags: a em strong code ul ol li blockquote.
    Put code in between backticks.” string, but it does not affect on site.



    Some of the thing you signaled are already solved in development release, go to download page to see how to get it.

    Ok, thank you. But i couldn’t find any .pot files in “development release” pages.

    Hello, I find the mo file es_ES. Somebody knows??


    I started translating into Japanese using this .po file (thanks lstelie).

    But I wish core developers released official pot file.

    I have translated bbpress into spanish (es_AR), and you can download it from here . It includes the pot file for bbpres “Bix” version 0.73, so you can modify pot file using poEdit ( as you like.



    Hello, cagnese. Thanks for your traslation, but I still can not use it.

    The explanation for installing it made before now by aka does not function, because the new version (o.73) is different and includes some suggestions made in this threat. By example, the is not any document called /bb-includes/i18n

    So, could anyone post the new instructions in order to make the localisation function? Thanks.

    Installing localization file can be done like that:

    1. Create a new directory named ‘languages’ in your ‘bb-includes’ folder.

    2. Place .mo file into ‘languages’ directory.

    3. Setup your config.php file

    (e.g if your .mo file’s name is change define(‘BBLANG’, ”);

    value like this: define(‘BBLANG’, ‘es_AR’);



    Thanks, teknoseyr, it worked. The problem was that only a few words are yet traslated, but this will change soon, I hope: bbpress has a lot of future.



    A friend of mine translated the .po and .mo into standard Spanish (es_ES), to use them in our forum. You can donwload the files from here:



    Sorry, there is some bug in Spanish translation. Strangely, the function for changing the password (in “Profile > Edit”) stops working when this .mo file is running, and the problem dissapears if you revert it to the English version.

    So, don’t use it.

    @pompilos and lstelie

    I guess the change password bug (and general user-account editing bug) in the translated versions are triggered by the translation of this line in the bbpress/bb-includes/functions.php file:

    $profile_menu[0] = array(__('Edit'), 'edit_profile', 'edit_users', 'profile-edit.php', 'edit');

    If you translate 'Edit' by 'Editer' or 'Modifier', for example, users won’t be able to save their password change, and administrators won’t be able to save a role change for an user; the last part of the edit link — …/edit— will be changed to either …/editer or …/modifier. The page will display, but when you click on the save button, changes to the user’s profile won’t be saved.

    Hi there…

    i nearly completed an italian translation for bbPress (using the last SVN, so it should be the most updated).

    I’m keeping it updated and i’m going near completion today or tomorrow.

    If you want to have a look at it or use it, feel free to check HERE

    This is just a test forum… it’s not yet released to users


    I have made a .pot file, a fr_FR.po file and a file from version 561 in the bbPress Subversion trunk.

    svn co

    The localization files are based upon the previous French localization files for bbPress made by Luc St-Elie.

    • The bbPress 561 folder:

    • The pot file:

    • The French po file:

    • The French mo file:

    See it in action at

    Comments welcome at

    File bbpress/bb-admin/index.php

    line #32 is:

    <li><?php printf('Forums started %s ago.', bb_since(get_inception())); ?></li>

    but should be:

    <li><?php printf(__('Forums started %s ago.'), bb_since(get_inception())); ?></li>

    in order for it to be “gettext-translated”.

    The file bbpress/bb-admin/index.php in the bbPress folder archive at has been modified accordingly.

    Hi there,

    I just finished the german translation.

    Or I assume to, because it doesn’t work at all?! I followed teknoseyir’s steps and uploaded my (generated by poEdit) into /bb-includes/languages, definded BBLANG as de_DE in my config.php, but everything is still in english. What’s missing? Running version 0.74.



    I tried cagnese’s spanish translation, but still nothing… So it’s not my…

    Hello Ike,

    I think you just have to put “de” instead of “de_DE” in the config file…

    Would you post your german translation? Because I’m still looking for one.

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