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Alt install when not working with theme?

  • hipp



    I have spent the better part of two days attempting to install bbPress on my site. I have come to learn that it’s my theme. While I do not want to abandon my theme, I do want to use bbPress. I have a few questions.

    I can set up a subdomain. Is it possible to set up bbPress this way AND not require my users to set up a separate login? I have read something about Multi-site and have read that having multiple sites with the same login can be difficult. Is there an easier way?

    I suppose I’d like to know if I do install bbPress on a subdomain is there a plugin that you’d recommend that would bridge my users login info to this installation from the main site.

    Thank you in advance for any assistance,


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  • Lynqoid


    I would recommend trying to get your theme working with bbPress, in the long run it will be a lot cleaner and easier for you to manage.

    Is there anything in particular which is not working with your current theme?



    Hello Lynqoid,

    Thank you for your reply. The trouble I am having involves the permalinks. I rely on these for other seo / social aspects of my site but they seem to break bbPress. When they are on and I visit, the page behaves like a blog listing page. What I mean is that the forums do not show but rather a paragraph with “read more” afterword. In turning off permalinks, the forum does show until I click on a sub-forum, which breaks it again.

    I am assuming it’s an issue with the way my theme handles links. I will likely have to hire someone to figure it out for me.



    If you are able to test it with a default theme and the issue doesn’t occur then most likely your theme. It’s good to test so you don’t waste your time trying to fix something that could not be broke 🙂

    If it is a premium theme you might be able to get some support from them.

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