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After installing bbpress on intranet wordpress dashboard disapper

  • saintjaved


    Please help: “After installing bbpress on intranet, wordpress dashboard or entire back end disappers” I did the manual install. I place the file in the plugins folder and when I press activate, the entire screen goes blank. Please help..

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  • Robkk


    Did this happen with the latest update of bbPress??
    Also do some troubleshooting and try to find a plugin or theme issue.


    Blank Pages



    Yep the latest version of bbpress (“2.5.8”). It also does the same with buddypress but I more need bbpress.




    Well did you do some troubleshooting??



    Yes I did. When I tried different themes the WordPress dashboard went blank. It seems only my themes work. I tried a different forum plugin and it worked. Kinda disappointed though because I wanted bbpress to work. Seems like there is a problem with bbpress running on the server I’m using



    It should work? What WordPress and bbPress version are you using?

    You can create me an Admin account so I can see if I can find an issue, you can email me the login details to my email listed here.




    Thanks Robkk. Unfortunately, It’s on a corporate intranet and the server we are using is firehost. You wouldn’t be able to log in from where you are and the content is confidential. BBPress would have been good for us regarding creating a forum for the site support. BBPress works well on my localhost on my mac laptop but on the intranet bbpress shuts off wordpress dashboard entirely. I don’t know why. Any more developments I would let you know.



    One more question. Can bbpress work on intranets? If they can, is there something in the bbpress plugin code that is conflicting probably with the wordpress code on the firehost server? I’m running wordpress 4.2.2 and bbpress 2.5.8



    Thanks Robkk. Unfortunately, It’s on a corporate intranet and the server we are using is firehost. You wouldn’t be able to log in from where you are and the content is confidential.

    Yeah sorry wasn’t thinking right, was half-asleep yesterday.

    You can email me a list of plugins on your site so I could see if I recall any that may cause any issues.

    bbPress should be able to work in an intranet environment, I guess if it is just a private community. There might be a bug if your site contains a port in the url though.

    Stephen Edgar


    There might be a bug if your site contains a port in the url though.

    This is what I am suspecting it might be, we’ve had issues in the past with users using MAMP on Mac using port 8888

    Have a look at the following post, you’d want to diagnose the issue in a similar way to that it is described here:

    How to get bbPress to work on a local WAMP installation

    If your site is using the standard port 80 then I’d suggest disabling all of your plugins and switching to one of the default themes Twenty Fifteen, Fourteen, or Thirteen with no plugins activated, if you cannot view the dashboard with the above configuration then it will be something in the setup environment, if that works activate bbPress, if that works then start activating your other plugins and you should eventually get to a plugin that causes your dashboard to disappear, when you do thats the offender.



    I did it I did it. BBPress now works on my intranet. I had to add more memory to my wordpress. Now it works. Nice wanted BBpress for my forum and now I have it.



    Yay! 🙂

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