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Add line breaks to frontend’s biographical info

  • project_subdomain


    As wordpress strips the break and text tags I’m looking for a solution to add line breaks to my bbp_user_decription div.
    Here is what did not work:
    1.) What I find everywhere is some sort of this added to functions.php:

    remove_filter('pre_user_description', 'wp_filter_kses');

    This does not work, also looking at wordpress’ recent incl/registration.php just saying this file is deprecated makes me think that this code should not get to work at all.

    2.) Alternatively I looked through my themes’files and used

    <?php echo nl2br(get_the_author_meta( 'user_description' )); ?>
    in content.php. Or <?php echo nl2br(get_the_author_meta( 'description' )); ?> in my author.php

    3.) Tried 1) and 2) with bbp_ at the beginning of each decription’s part.

    Nothing worked, break-or p-tags are just ignored.
    Also, is there a secure way to add break-tags only?
    Thanks for any help!

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