Yolle (@yolle)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: No spacing in posts.




    Thank you for the quick reply. It still does not work. I hope I am applying the correction right – I put the code into bbpress.css and then disabled my CDN and caching so it wouldn’t interfere.

    The link to one of the posts is: http://www.lolabuland.com/forums/topic/madde-lucy-bc-6-month-sweden-participant/#post-24022 (post 24022). The forum is for subscribed users only however. Can you please let me know your email so I can send you the login info? Thanks.

    In reply to: No spacing in posts.



    I have the exact same problem.
    Has anybody found a working solution?
    I tried this code :

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-topic-content p,
    #bbpress-forums .bbp-reply-content p {

    but it doesn’t work.




    I still have this problem… Does anyone know anything? How is it possible, that the emails are written as bcc but can still be seen by others?



    @jaswsinc Thanks! I just downgraded to WP 3.9.2. Everything works again.



    It looks that the problem is also with s2member. Has anybody contacted them?



    @aptharsia Could you please tell us exactly what you have to do to make it work after the downgrade? I am quite in a hurry and would want the site to be broken for too long.



    I also have s2member. Of course, I cannot switch it off 🙁



    I made a quick fix, I added this code into content_single_topic.php under bbpress/templates/default/bbpress

    <?php echo "<div style=clear></div>"; ?>
    	<?php echo "<br />"; ?>
    	<?php bbp_topic_content(); ?>

    just after

    <?php else : ?>
    		<?php bbp_topic_tag_list(); ?>
    		<?php bbp_single_topic_description(); ?>
    		<?php if ( bbp_show_lead_topic() ) : ?>
    			<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'content', 'single-topic-lead' ); ?>
    		<?php endif; ?>

    and before

    <?php if ( bbp_has_replies() ) : ?>
    			<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'pagination', 'replies' ); ?>
    			<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'loop',       'replies' ); ?>
    			<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'pagination', 'replies' ); ?>
    		<?php endif; ?>

    It shows the content, but it is not properly formatted.
    Any other fixes?

    In reply to: mobile layout




    I finally managed to do it.
    I added this code so the avatar is at the top of the text

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-author {
    	float: none;
    	text-align: center;

    Then when the text was below the avatar I inserted this code to the mobile part of the css:

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-content {
    		margin-left: 20px;
    		padding: 0 0 0 0;
    		text-align: left;

    Thanks for getting me on the right track.
    It concerns a closed forum and I was already preparing an access for you but then I managed by myself.
    Thanks again!



    Yes, I would like to have this kind of functionality also for the topics.



    No, I am not using this plugin. I just implemented the bbpress forum and have not made a full switch to it.
    When you said, that this functionality will be implemented in the future, you meant bbpress topics for posts? Because I would like to see a reply button on the Dashboard–>Replies section…



    Well, there is no reply button (or option to reply) with this method. But would be perfect if one could just add a reply button there.



    The screenshots were supposed to be just to give a rough idea… Not to look at the details. At the incorrect one, one should see that the forum is at the top, and only then the logo image appears, whereas on the correct one, the logo image is at the top and the forum is on the left and the sidebar on the right, footer at the bottom.
    I am using s2member for the membership management.
    So, as an aministrator of the wordpress blog I can see the correct layout. As a s2member with an access to the specific forum, I see the incorrect layout. But, only at the parent forum, the subforums have the correct layout.
    Thanks for your help!

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