Forum Replies Created
still the same verdict… gah
so is there any way to stop a forum from reaching the latest discussion without any problems?
I have no idea, it is quite confusing to me seems it screws up any kind of forward (even those that have nothing to do with posting, plugin deactivate, edit/change appearance, logout, etc).
Might it have somthing to do with this part of the plugin:
{ $where.=” AND forum_id != “.$forum.” “; }}
return $where;
because it does not seem to be working, does this need to be changed to something else in order to function in 1.0.2?
You can see for yourself what happens by registering:
Starting to bug me a bit, nothing I try solves the issue.
Even with all those things changed the plugin does no redirect or allow you to logout so I guess something is messing up with the forwarding?
Okay I added Htaccess and now the error does not appear however when i post it does not forward me back to the forum is just gets stuck on a white screen on the bb-post.php screen….
Got full access to the server. What is the best means of doing this but only affecting only this site? The plugin makes an error for any change not just posts (ie any kind of update) gives a similar warning.
How can I do that?
Yes it states:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /public_html/voices/my-plugins/exclude-forum.php:13) in /public_html/voices/bb-includes/ on line 232
That is with or without any other plugin installed.
The plugin works except whenever you post you get that “headers already sent by (output started at /home/whey/public_html/voices/my-plugins/exclude-forum.php:13) in /public_html/voices/bb-includes/ on line 232” error. It still posts but it would be in the way seems in affects every post (thread and reply). Trying to figure away around it but I am not the best at PHP
Plugin Name: exclude
function filter_front_page_topics($where){
$exclude_forums=array (“13″,”19”); // enable this to manually specify specific forums by id #
// $forums = get_forums(); foreach ($forums as $forum) {if ($forum->forum_parent) {$exclude_forums[]=$forum->forum_id;}} // exclude ALL sub-forums
if ( is_front() ) {foreach($exclude_forums as $forum) { $where.=” AND forum_id != “.$forum.” “; }}
return $where;
add_filter( ‘get_latest_topics_where’, ‘filter_front_page_topics’);
add_filter( ‘get_latest_posts_where’, ‘filter_front_page_topics’);
It works but it keeps bringing up this error (which is diffent the solution suggested in the post, which does not solve the issue in 1.0.2 apparently).
The error when just using the plugin:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/whey/public_html/voices/my-plugins/exclude-forum.php:13) in /public_html/voices/bb-includes/ on line 232
The error when using the plugin and amending the function bb_latest_topics_pages() in
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /public_html/voices/bb-includes/ on line 666
Any ideas?