tylertervooren (@tylertervooren)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @tylertervooren


    @sunflowermom: Is there something about it that isn’t working?



    Huh… looks like my link got stripped. Here it is: https://wordpress.org/plugins/bbp-profile-link-shortcode/



    Thanks, Robin. I think I’m using a few of your plugins as well. 🙂

    The way I approached this plugin is that it’s only use is to print the url of the user profile. As you can see, no surrounding a tag and no anchor text. That means you can put it anywhere inside of your own links, which is probably even easier than trying to specify that with a shortcode attribute.

    So, if the logged in/logged out part were added, it would still break, just in a different way. 🙂

    The idea is that, if you need to check for logged in/logged out status, you probably need to do it for multiple elements of your site. In that case, a separate plugin that does that is more useful and will work in harmony with this one.

    Anyway, that was my thought process. Happy to hear other thoughts.



    @aksteve – I had the same frustration. Try this simple plugin I just created. It’ll print the profile url via a shortcode so you can insert it anywhere you like.



    @sarwarc – I just created this very simple plugin to give you access to the user profile link via a shortcode. You can use it in conjunction with the Shortcodes in Menus plugin to add a link to the user’s profile page in your menu.



    Glad you got it figured out. I just created this very simple plugin to print the profile url via shortcode in case you find it useful



    I have also created a very simple plugin to give you access to the user profile url.

    In reply to: User profile link



    I just created this plugin. I think it will do exactly what you’re trying to achieve.



    Okay, another data point here.

    After receiving an auto-update to WP 4.0, bbPress was a mess. The forum index was visible, but each forum was empty of topics (except for a super sticky topic; for some reason, that was still visible). All topics/replies still visible in wp-admin, and freshness on the front-end reported properly. Basically, everything was still there, but not visible for some reason.

    Through process of elimination, I found that the Relevanssi plugin was preventing topics/replies from showing on the front end of the site.

    Disabling that plugin fixed that problem. I believe they updated their plugin last night, but the current version still conflicts with bbPress.

    After this, I realized that the FIRST/ORIGINAL post in every topic was still missing. Again, through process of elimination, I found that the Search Exclude plugin was creating this problem.

    Disabling Search Exclude solved the missing first post problem.

    I have no idea what the conflicts are, but I will be adding this reply and a link to this discussion in the support forums for these two plugins.

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