deadlyhifi (@tomdebruin)

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  • In reply to: List all Tags?




    <?php if ( bb_current_user_can( 'manage_tags', get_topic_id() )): ?> - <a href="/forum/profile.php?id=<?php echo $tag->user_id; ?>"><?php echo get_user_name( $tag->user_id ); ?></a><?php endif; ?>

    In reply to: Visit counter



    you could place it in footer.php as this is displayed on every page.



    found the problem. I had this in my bb-config

    if (file_exists(‘../wp-blog-header.php’))



    if (file_exists(‘../../wp-blog-header.php’))


    to bring in wordpress powers.

    Without it the status stays the way it should. How else can I bring in “wp_list_pages” without requiring the wp-blog-header.php?



    just found this post regarding the ‘inactive’ thing, although their fix hasn’t fixed my issue.

    In reply to: List all Tags?



    that’s good to know, thanks.

    I just added the following to topic-tags.php (after <?php bb_tag_remove_link(); ?> )

    <?php if ( bb_current_user_can( 'manage_tags', get_topic_id() )): ?><a href="/forum/profile.php?id=<?php echo $tag->user_id; ?>">user</a><?php endif; ?>

    so there is a quick link to the users profile to see who posted that tag.

    Not perfect but easier than running that SQL!



    Also just noticed that when I log in my profile status changes to ‘inactive’. When I log out it changes back to ‘member’. Even though it states inactive I have all the powers a member has.

    Anyone else noticed this?

    In reply to: List all Tags?



    I mean all the tags used on the site, so we could see two columns

    Tag | User

    so each tag could have multiple users who used it.

    Some users are using inappropriate tags on posts. We want a public list so we can name and shame them. Currently the only way to see who posted what tag is to do an SQL query along the lines of

    SELECT bb_users.user_nicename, bb_terms.slug, bb_topics.topic_slug
    FROM bb_terms
    INNER JOIN bb_term_taxonomy ON bb_term_taxonomy.term_id = bb_terms.term_id
    INNER JOIN bb_term_relationships ON
    bb_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id =
    INNER JOIN bb_topics ON bb_term_relationships.object_id = bb_topics.topic_id
    INNER JOIN bb_users ON bb_term_relationships.user_id = bb_users.ID
    WHERE bb_terms.slug = 'TAG NAME'



    A blacklist is also an option but our problem is not stemming from blatant porn sites, but rather image replacements used on perfectly acceptable sites.

    This would then only work through adding the sites as their hotlinking intentions were realised by a nasty image appearing – the damage then already being done.

    There’s no easy answer!



    Can you check your database to see that you permissions states

    bb_capabilities a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}



    we have thought about a whitelist of acceptable places to link from.

    But this would cause issues with peoples own hosting accounts, and also linking to images from manufacturers who would want their images linked on forums. It is a cycling site and many discussions revolve around new bikes – it would be a huge list.



    while that is an option I think we’d have many copyright issues to deal with…



    OK. After doing more reading I agree that hotlinking is bad practice.

    However, we get 2500 posts a day on the forum, moderating all this is an impossible task. We have a team of about 10, but lots of images do get through.

    I was hoping there would a technical fix.

    We are now considering a blacklist – which would be impossibly long, or a whitelist – which wouldn’t cover all acceptable places, especially personal web hosting accounts.

    In reply to: tag remove fail



    the ‘destroy tag’ option that you get on the bottom of the tag’s page does delete the tags, though it reports ‘0 records deleted’ on the page after they’re deleted.

    the plot thickens…

    In reply to: tag remove fail



    just discovered subversion, wow!

    anyway, it’s not working. I get “The tag was not removed. You cannot remove a tag from a closed topic.” despite the topic not being closed.


    and now “Your attempt to remove this tag from this topic has failed. Please try again.”



    anyone else having this problem?

    Well the answer is that

    <?php topic_delete_link(); ?> <?php topic_close_link(); ?> <?php topic_sticky_link(); ?>

    <?php topic_move_dropdown(); ?>

    is now replaced with:

    <?php bb_topic_admin(); ?>

    In reply to: tag remove fail



    wow, that was quick. Could you let me know which file(s) it is that have changed so I can upload the relevant ones rather than the whole lot?

    In reply to: tag remove fail



    having same problems here on 1 alpha 6. Would love to see this fixed asap. No pressure or anything! ;) Thanks.



    thanks all. I’ll be doing some tests on it all sometime this week and will report back.



    thanks for the reply Trent.

    Can you just confirm that the user database that I’ve built up in bbPress will crossover to the WPMU? I’m sure I read somewhere that the users needed to come from the WP user table.



    the way to do add bbpress functions into wordpress is to add:

    if ( !defined(‘BBDB_NAME’) )


    into the wp-config.php file, just before the closing ?>

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