Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Arguments before and after a php tag
I figured it out.
<?php post_ip_link( array( 'before' => ' | ', 'after' => ' | ' ) ); ?>
In reply to: Getting the URI of the stylesheet directory?I’m using bb_get_active_theme_directory() to detect any changes to my stylesheet.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bb_stylesheet_uri(); echo '?' . filemtime( bb_get_active_theme_directory() . '/style.css'); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />
if I echo bb_get_active_theme_directory() on my page it does return the correct value. I’m using bbP 1.0.1.
In reply to: limit forums included in latest discussionsyou can do this with a plugin if you like.
function filter_front_page_topics($where){
$exclude_forums=array ("3"); // enable this to manually specify specific forums by id #
if ( is_front() ) {foreach($exclude_forums as $forum) { $where.=" AND forum_id != ".$forum." "; }}
return $where;
add_filter( 'get_latest_topics_where', 'filter_front_page_topics');
add_filter( 'get_latest_posts_where', 'filter_front_page_topics');If you have front page paging (1,2,3,4 etc) then the paging count will be wrong. You need to edit the bb-includes/ file
function bb_latest_topics_pages() {
global $page;
static $bb_latest_topics_count;
if (!$bb_latest_topics_count) {
global $bbdb;
$bb_latest_topics_count = $bbdb->get_var('SELECT COUNT(<code>topic_id</code>) FROM <code>' . $bbdb->topics . '</code> WHERE <code>topic_open</code> = 1 AND <code>topic_status</code> = 0 AND <code>topic_sticky</code> != 2 AND <code>forum_id</code> != 3;');
echo apply_filters( 'bb_latest_topics_pages', get_page_number_links( $page, $bb_latest_topics_count ), $bb_latest_topics_count );
}Note the addition of
AND "forum_id" != 3
to the query.EDIT: just noticed that use of backticks in the code has been turned into
, so amend as necessary.In reply to: Chrome/Safari (WebKit Javascript/Ajax) IssuesHave you posted this in Trac? >
In reply to: Arguments before and after a php line 1866 shows the arguments that this functions can accept, including a before and after character. But it also states
$args = null
. You could add the | on line 1868 but this is editing the coreAlternatively use an
if ( bb_current_user_can( 'view_by_ip' ) ) { echo " | "; }
.In reply to: cookie integration problem, anotherHave you looked at the cookies that are being outputted to see if they correspond? In Safari choose preferences > Show Cookies then search by your domain. In other browsers this is possible too.
In reply to: show number of comments?You’d replace the
with the code that johnhiler wrote.Is it worth running through that calculation for every listed post though? People on your forum would soon become familiar with Number of Posts rather than Replies to Post statistics.
In reply to: What's the best Post Preview plugin?I’ve just reported this issue of HTML characters being displayed in edit post in Trac. (
It looks like a minor bug in bbP rather than an issue with the plugin… although it could affect people who are trying to type HTML characters out in their code examples. That rarely happens on my forum though.
In reply to: prevent bump to top when new replies are submitted?This code won’t work on front-page.php but did you try it in forum.php? I’m running v1.0.1 and it’s working fine there.
For the front page you need to find the SQL query that gets called and replace it with your own, and
ORDER BY topic_id
. Let me know how you get on. I’ll have a closer look tomorrow when I’m working from home.In reply to: What's the best Post Preview plugin?Just noticed an issue when editing a post. If there is an apostrophe it get’s turned into HTML code. i.e.
the preview code stops being generated… will look at this closer tomorrow. I suppose this only affects if the preview form has been added to edit post with (add_action('edit_form','add_live_comment_preview');
)In reply to: What's the best Post Preview plugin?good work.
though I changed the preview button to
<p name='live_comment_preview_button' id='live_comment_preview_submit' value='".$label."' onclick='sendPostToPreview("".$live_comment_preview_path."" )' />Preview Post</p>
, styled accordingly with a cursor on hover and placed it on the post form itself (the submit button would try and submit the form).add_action('post_form', 'add_live_comment_preview');
add_action('edit_form','add_live_comment_preview');also added it to the edit post form.
In reply to: prevent bump to top when new replies are submitted?I do this on one of my forums (a classified forum that I didn’t want users ‘bumping’ on constantly.) Just add
if ($forum_id == 3) {
$limit = bb_get_option('page_topics');
$offset = ($page-1)*$limit;
$forum_one_topics = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->topics WHERE forum_id = $forum_id AND topic_status = 0 AND topic_sticky = 0 ORDER BY topic_id DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset");
$forum_one_topic_posts = get_thread( $topic->topic_id);
$topics = $forum_one_topics;
?>to the top of the forum.php file in your template. Take out the
if ($forum_id == 3) {
and trailing}
if you want to apply it to all your forums.To show topic creation date instead of freshness replace
in the forum.php, and front-page.php template files – though I haven’t tested that bit.In reply to: Can I edit my tags?I’ve just had a look at your site. Your tags show in the bottom right corner of the page, as if it’s included in your footer.php file.
In your topic.php file all the tag code
id="topic-tags" etc.
needs to be put inside
div class="infobox"
then you can start styling it correctly.
In reply to: Can I edit my tags?after you have made the changes you need to a do a hard refresh, to force the browser to read the updates stylesheet – it has the old one cached.
May I suggest you use Firefox, and get the Firebug extension so you can look at all the code correctly.
In reply to: Can I edit my tags?sorry, it’s actually
ul#tags-list li
(missed the s off)I think you need to do some reading about stylesheets and how they work. It’s quite straight forward and will stand you in good stead.
In reply to: Can I edit my tags?You can do it in the CSS.
ul#tag-list li { display: inline; }
you may meed to do some more CSS edits on other elements to make it all fit correctly and look good.
In reply to: What will happen to all these abandoned plugins?You should definitely submit your patches in the comments of the plugin pages, if you’re willing!
Indeed I have:
In reply to: Is there a screencast for this?although it may be a little put of date now, the principles are the same.
In reply to: ban-plus and global cacheIn reply to: ban-plus and global cachei fixed it! yeah! i’ll post a working version of ban plus up soon…
In reply to: Show all 'not resolved' topics?cool, thanks. I’ll take a look at that.
In reply to: bbPress subscription pluginI may have to start doing it manually, then either adapt an existing plugin, or get my head around it myself at a later stage. They’re really banging on about it at work right now as a must have ASAP feature. It’s all about the monies!
In reply to: Upgrade to 1.0.1 breaks registrationThe standard version of approve user registration does not work in V1. This may be breaking registration.
There’s an updated version of this plugin here:
I’ve got V1.0.1 working great with that and human test. But if you’ve tested with the plugins disabled I can’t really offer anymore help. Sorry.
In reply to: Force old cookie expiry?ooh, that’s good to know. That’s not the explanation then. oh well. Maybe it will all blow over
In reply to: Force old cookie expiry?mmm, just noticed that cookies with _utma, _utmb etc. state they come from
whereas the “wordpress_logged_in_NUMBER” states it’s website as
(without the http this forum is auto adding it)could the fact that it has www at the start be the issue?
My test site, on a subdomain, shares the same source – but then because its a subdomain it doesn’t have the www at the start.
thanks for your continued replies ck.