ThemeTon (@themeton)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @themeton


    This is very close to my need.

    function abc_register_custom_views() {
        bbp_register_view( 'open', __( 'Open Topics' ), array( 'post_status' => 'publish' ), false ); 
    add_action( 'bbp_register_views', 'abc_register_custom_views' );

    But I need to extend with user filter. Is here anybody have to help me with this small issue?






    I don’t know short timing like only years ago. But I know how to change it to humanize format.
    Please call the function like

    bbp_reply_post_date(0, true);

    The second attribute True means changing the format.




    I saw there some styling from your theme (ShopAndBuy). That style adds fontawesome icon for every LI elements. But bbpress has so many ul/li structure for formatting forum section and that style makes this issue there. Please manage or remove that styles from line 350 of “ShopAndBuy/css/shortcodes.typography.css”


    In reply to: Changing sticky colors



    Looks you’ve added there important attribute. But please don’t add #black there. Use just black name instead of #black.

    And don’t forget to refresh your browser few more times until get new style changes or clear cache of your browser.




    I can’t wait until next version of the plugin. Therefore I’ve changed something here for my need.
    The problem is same as Stephen’s explain, parent post gets reply id.

    And I’ve removed treated (sub) reply possibility from posts and added page_walk sub function into BBP_Walker_Reply class (bbpress/includes/common/classes.php).

    Those changes won’t allow sub replies but now my forum shows correct ordering 🙂

    Thanks a lot

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