tapiohuuhaa (@tapiohuuhaa)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Image upload



    It does not do what I want. I want images above, below or on the right side of the text. Not into separate attachment block.

    In reply to: Image upload



    Image upload for bbPree has two vwry bad features

    1. It doen’t add image to the Nedia library
    2. It puts inage to temp-folder. The address chande and umage doesn’t wirk after some time period



    A new trial. Even if there was “< + del + >” The text get strikethrough. Now I added extra spaces.

    function custommm_functiooonn($content){;<br />
    $content = str_replace(“< del >”,'[SPOILER ” apusisältö”]’,$content);
    $content = str_replace(“< / del >”,”[/SPOILER]”,$content);;<br />
    return $content; };<br />
    add_filter(‘bbp_get_topic_content’, ‘custommm_functiooonn’);<br />
    add_filter(‘bbp_get_reply_content’, ‘custommm_functiooonn’);



    I used filter in krder to get SPOILER into the graphic editor:

    function custommm_functiooonn($content){<br />
    $content = str_replace(““,'[SPOILER ” apusisältö”]’,$content);<br />
    $content = str_replace(“
    “,”[/SPOILER]”,$content);<br />
    return $content; }<br />
    add_filter(‘bbp_get_topic_content’, ‘custommm_functiooonn’);<br />
    add_filter(‘bbp_get_reply_content’, ‘custommm_functiooonn’);

    Click the link, which is in the starting comment in order to see my solutions.

    If someone finds a better solution, I woulb be interested about it.

    In addition I changed language and CSS files in order to get reasonable solution. Relative satisfactory solution. The disadvantage of this solution js, that it is not possible to change the text, which is visible in web pages.



    My GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin has 50 major new features, including BBCodes implementation that has 40+ shortcodes/BBCodes for bbPress forums, including SPOILER and HIDE, as well as full syntax highlighting SCODE shortcode.

    I looked your pro plugin. Does your additions work with TinyMCE, text editor or both text and graphic editor? For me your BBCode- support is unnecessary wide. I try to find where TinyMCE defines how to print strikeout. I creates DEL-tags. I would just like to replace DEL-tags with SPOILER-tags as I dId for the text editor.
    I found translation. With CSS I can change the text and icon. Dashicon f177 is closest available. With CSS can change the text just defining the font-size of the text 0 an replacing text by using the ::before pseudo-class.



    I found files, which I must edit: wp-includes/js/quicktags.js and


    I replaced DEL-tags with SPOILER-tags. Now the text editor has SPOLER-tags. Replacing some button of TinyMCE might be too hard to implement.



    If the extension works on backend, it is is useless for me. I would need extensions only frontend. I have site for solving crosswords. Honoring other peoples all hints should give as default hided.

    I tried to find the button definitions for text editor. My idea is just replace
    DEL or CODE with SPOILER. If I would find the source code, maybe I could add some codes. That apparently needs alo finding filter code, which defines, which codes are allowed.

    I though also that I could replace some code and related texts and icons of TinyMCE with another code, texts an icons.

    So I would not need to add anything. But I didn’t find, where buttons have been defined for the text editor s d TinyMCE.

    BTW. I didn’t get frontend texts translated in your GD bbPress Tools. I deleted entire translation, which I made for it because filtering worked better, but filtering works only for texts, which don’t have dynamic texts (%s etc). I get with “My WP Translate” translated “WP Sitemap Page”, so the translation tool works. I have another issue here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/translating-into-finnish/. So could you answer there.



    I would lije to fork the cire code of WordPress concerning editors. I found TinyMCE related fike but I didn’t find where te’he button set if the text editor has been defined. I would fork the front-end side.



    See my current sokution.

    If I mark carefully the needed code I can drag it to the editing field.



    I have used your free version of GD bbPress Tools. I added SPOILER and few other tags with BBCode Deluxe. I edited the pugin. I commented all BBCode tags, which belongs to your plugin or which I don’t need.

    I have list fir extra code. I tryed to use JQuery to drag codes to the textare. Dragging cause that code disappears, but it just caused that the ekement disappeared from my list but but not went to the textarea.
    [CODE]$(“document”).ready(function() {
    revert: true

    accept: \’.tags\’,
    drop: function(event, ui) {



    img.avatar {
    display : none ;

    You must define selector before img.avatar
    For topic list:
    body.single-forum #bbpress-forums img.avatar
    body.bbp-view #bbpress-forums img.avatar

    For forum list:
    body.forum-archive #bbpress-forums img.avatar

    In reply to: Custom Topic Sorting



    Exactly I think this code:

    function my_custom_display_topic_index_query () {
    global $_GET;
    if($_GET[‘myOrderBy’])$myOrderBy=$_GET[‘myOrderBy’];else $myOrderBy=’last_edited’;
    if($_GET[‘myOrder’])$myOrder=$_GET[‘myOrder’];else $myOrder=’DESC’;
    $args[‘orderby’] = $myOrderBy;
    $args[‘order’] = $myOrder;

    return $args;
    add_filter(‘bbp_before_has_topics_parse_args’, ‘my_custom_display_topic_index_query’ );

    function printSelections(){
    global $_SERVER;
    return ‘<div class=”queries”><form action=”https://&#8217; . $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] . $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’].'”><table class=”querytable”><tr><td><select name=”myOrderBy”><option value=”post_modified”>Viimeisin muutos</option><option value=”post_date”>Luontipäivä</option><option value=”post_title”>Nimi/option><option value=”post_author”>Tekijä/option></select></td><td><input name=”myOrder” type=”radio” value=”DESC” />Laskeva</td><td><input name=”myOrder” type=”radio” value=”ASC” />Nouseva</td></tr></table></form>’;

    add_shortcode( ‘printSelections’, ‘printSelections’ );
    // Add do_shortcode(‘printSelections’); to loop-forums.php
    <li class=”bbp-header”>

    <ul class=”forum-titles”>
    <li class=”bbp-forum-info”><?php _e( ‘Forum’, ‘bbpress’ ); ?><?php topPostLinksEcho(); ?>
    <li class=”bbp-forum-topic-count”><?php _e( ‘Topics’, ‘bbpress’ ); ?>
    <li class=”bbp-forum-reply-count”><?php bbp_show_lead_topic() ? _e( ‘Replies’, ‘bbpress’ ) : _e( ‘Posts’, ‘bbpress’ ); ?>
    <li class=”bbp-forum-freshness”><?php _e( ‘Freshness’, ‘bbpress’ ); ?>

    <?php do_shortcode(‘[printSelections]’); ?>

    In reply to: Custom Topic Sorting



    I found this also:

    function my_custom_display_topic_index_query () {
    $args[‘orderby’] = ‘date’;
    $args[‘order’] = ‘DESC’;

    return $args;
    add_filter(‘bbp_before_has_topics_parse_args’, ‘my_custom_display_topic_index_query’ );

    You wrote that buttons for that would be complicated, but if I reload the page and use GET-parameters, this way, would this work:

    function my_custom_display_topic_index_query () {
    if($_GET[…]==…) $myOrder=’date’; elseif(…) //or switch – then used a select box)
    if ($_GET[‘descAsc’]==…) $descAsc=’DESC’;
    $args[‘orderby’] = $myOrder;
    $args[‘order’] = $descAsc;

    return $args;
    add_filter(‘bbp_before_has_topics_parse_args’, ‘my_custom_display_topic_index_query’ );

    Buttons or select box would be inside the template and it gets the current webaddress and add desired parameters. If I add also cookies, the change would not need to do every time.



    Ok. thank’s. I look at the filter.



    I just too would like to add 1-3 buttons to the forum topics listing in order to change the default order. I would code it to changed template, if I would know what functions to use.

    In reply to: list of all functions



    Because there seems not a complete list, is there for forum list page something like bbp_is_single_topic()

    I would like to add some conditional code for https://www.sanaristikkofoorumi.net/wordpress/forums/ .
    i quessed that it might be “bbp_is_forum_list()”



    This helped also me. I asked about this issue also in bbp style pack forum.

    In order to get rendered only in single topic page, I used

    function newTopic3(){
    echo… // something before
    echo bbp_forum_permalink();
    echo … // something after, includes #new-post
    add_action( ‘bbp_template_before_single_topic’ , ‘newtopic3’);



    I used google search “forum topic get forum” and get this page. Hopefully I get help.

    If I’m in some topic, I would like to get link with the anchor #new_post to the forum, which the topic relates with.

    I assume that this somewhat relates with to the first question because this relates also with forum and topic names.

    I don’t figure how to get for forum_link($topic->forum_id); the id of the topic.

    I would use Code Snippet for adding link.

    In reply to: bbPress Moderation


    In reply to: bbPress Moderation



    Thank’s Robin about the Code Snippet suggestion. I can add to HEAD some own code easily.
    I asked https://wordpress.org/support/topic/code-before-the/ about an ssue.

    In reply to: bbPress Moderation



    I added https://wordpress.org/support/topic/support-translations/#post-11118819

    in order to help another Finnish user of that plugin.

    In reply to: bbPress Moderation



    Get working with the plugin. I just changed one text, which was not in the report.php file.
    Next time when I update the plugin I must add translation as code snippets.
    Yes, I don’t understand, what is child theme function.php file.
    I have used twentyfourteen. I don’t have any child theme for it but the theme does have function.php.

    BTW. A Finnish user had complained in the conversation page of the plugin moderation-tools-for-bbpress about the same issue (I saw from the nickname that the person was Finnish).

    In reply to: bbPress Moderation



    I got all other front end texts translated into Finnish using *.po(t) files except text of moderation-tools-for-bbpress.

    In reply to: bbPress Moderation



    Sorry about my inappropriate words, but I just assumed that if some text is used for ordinary participants, the text should IMO be translate able.

    If there is no translation using po/mo-files then fields to set the desired text like in bbp_style_pack. Indeed that doesn’t work with multilingual sites if there is not another installation or WordPress for other languages (I don’t have looked, how WordPress could work with multilingual sites).

    I don’t figure which function file Robin W. means. Many plugins has the functions.php file.
    moderation-tools-for-bbpress does not have functions.php (like for example bbp_style_pack or the used theme has).

    In reply to: bbPress Moderation



    At least report.php should be able to translate because those relate with front end user.
    All backend features can be in English.

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