well its hard to restrict the title limit on a community. twitter is hard enough to manage with a limit.
i was actually surprised that no one has had this issue and there were no plug-ins either.
well words would be fine. 3-4-5 to keep the link short and sweet. of course i am not looking for a wordpress like slug feature. but a vbseo like fixed limit on the number of words.
i am facing the same problem on my own server. i have successfully tried installing the .x.x versions. this was my first test with 1.x.x release.
PHP 5.2.8
MySQL Version 5.0.51a-community
Web Server apache2handler
Hmm. managed to fix my problem…
check for extra spacing at the end of the bb-config file. that might be causing these problems.
hmm the phpbb->bbpress did not work well with me the 2 times i tried it out. i will check it again.