Peter A. Gebhardt (@starship-trooper)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @starship-trooper


    Use the “Widget Logic” PlugIn and put !is_bbpress() into the respective field of your widget(s).

    You have to do it for all widgets though …

    Best regards

    In reply to: Welcome Back _ck_



    Now – we’re really going somewhere!

    _ck_ really apppreciate you coming back & lending a helpful hand to novice & experienced followers of bbPress

    In reply to: CSS failed to load?



    Try putting this line at the beginning of your .htaccess file in the bbPress home directory

    eg. into yourdomain/bbpress/.htaccess:

    AddType text/css .css

    Had this problem once with 1&1 webhosting in Germany.

    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!



    A (German) standalone implementation using “Hidden Forums” (and some more of _CK_s fine PlugIns) and some code tweaking to differentiate user experience for:

    • Visitors
    • Members
    • Exklusive Contributors (Experts)
    • Customers (Subscribers)



    But it’s a nice place to look for nice_name’s … ;-))



    Solution found – bb_user_nicename_sanitize()– needs peer review because of possible side-effects (UTF8 etc.)

    <span><?php if ( 1 < get_topic_posts() ) : ?>
    <?php printf(__('- <a href="%1$s">Latest reply</a> from '),attribute_escape( get_topic_last_post_link()) ) ?>
    <a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>profile.php?id=<?php echo (bb_user_nicename_sanitize(get_topic_last_poster(),50)); ?>"><?php echo get_topic_last_poster(); ?></a>

    <?php endif; ?>

    PS: A look into one’s database via phpadmin produces the right insights …



    Appreciating your help – but I’m looking for linking to the profile of the last poster – not the last topic->poster

    I already spent some hours on searching the forum & the web, but there seems no feasible solution for the %20 issue.



    The code developed so far (resembling the buddyPress Forum experience):

    <span id="topic_posts"><?php topic_posts_link(); ?>, </span>
    <span id="topic_voices"><?php printf( '%s voices', bb_get_topic_voices() ); ?></span>
    <span><?php if ( 1 < get_topic_posts() ) : ?>
    <?php printf(__('- <a href="%1$s">Latest reply</a> from '),attribute_escape( get_topic_last_post_link()) ) ?>
    <a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>profile.php?id=<?php echo (sanitize_user(get_topic_last_poster(),true)); ?>"><?php echo get_topic_last_poster(); ?></a>

    <?php endif; ?>

    does only generate an “User not found.” error with:






    Who else should I consider calling to get this theme modified?

    The creator of “kakumei” – on which Garry Vander Voort based his design?

    In ernest: What are the areas where you need integrating help? Is it “cosmetics” only or deep code integration? What version of bbPress would you use … and so on.

    Depending on the amount of time you want to spend on it (and your willingness to get acquainted to some cut & paste coding), I’m pretty sure that most of the questions (conc. Kakumei & it’s siblings) have already been answered here & in _ck_’s forum.

    In reply to: Members Only



    Addendum: To check a user’s role anywhere in your code use

    <?php if (bb_current_user_can('administrate')) { ?> .....

    (by replacing administrate by the proper role description)

    as proposed here:

    In reply to: Members Only




    I’m confronted with a similar problem (on the ‘Post’ level): Beside visitors (lurkers), I need user categories like VIP or Paying (for content) too.

    Where I was able to get an idea how to eventually handle it, was by looking at _ck_’s bb_attachments.php

    Put this into capabilities.php just behind the memberblock:

    'visitor' => array(
    'name' => __('Visitor'),
    'capabilities' => array(
    'participate' => false,
    'read' => true

    Then changing her (shipping) setup code in bb_attachments.php to this here:

    $bb_attachments['role']['see']="participate";        // minimum role to see list of attachments = read/participate/moderate/administrate
    $bb_attachments['role']['inline']="participate"; // add PAID ! minimum role to view inline reduced images = read/participate/moderate/administrate
    $bb_attachments['role']['download']="participate"; // add PAID ! minimum role to download original = read/participate/moderate/administrate
    $bb_attachments['role']['upload']="moderate"; // minimum role to upload = participate/moderate/administrate (times out with post edit time)
    $bb_attachments['role']['delete']="moderate"; // minimum role to delete = read/participate/moderate/administrate

    I was able to exclude the ‘Visitor’ from even seeing that there are attachments to a certain post.

    Hope that helps.



    Changed status back to “not resolved” – My latest idea/post didn’t solve it.



    Thx. a lot of pointing me (back!) to the “slash” issue.

    My fault: Because of the recent Firefox/CSS problems I’ve had, I uncommented the patch on the server side.



    Thx! Shall give it a try.

    OT: Nice Avatar. Especially with tagline “Being active since …” ;-))



    Because your (a clients) browser proposes always the same “file name” within it’s save dialog I’m looking into avoiding to add the respective page number manually each & every time. So it’sbetter to save everything under one file name – how could that be accomplished by bbPress?

    For printing & reading it’s likeweise.



    Have a look here (if you are using

    I’m on my way to implement it for my forum and will report later, if the _ck_ proposed “Add Topic” patch does work – just kidding … ;-)

    In reply to: HTML in Topics.



    Although someone could tweak the size of the Topic or Post Title to a a size which does not interfere with the positioning of the “Add Tag” section in the topic view – it would be nice we could use say <br /> too.

    As an example, I’ve changed this section of “topic.php” in “kakumei”:


    <div id="topic-info">
    <span id="topic_labels"><?php bb_topic_labels(); ?></span>
    <h2<?php topic_class( 'topictitle' ); ?>><?php topic_title(); ?></h2>


    <div id="topic-info">
    <!-- <span id="topic_labels"><?php bb_topic_labels(); ?></span> -->
    <div style="width:500px"><h2<?php topic_class( 'topictitle' ); ?>><?php topic_title(); ?></h2></div>

    Which is required for all templates and prone to finetuning errors.



    At least the Errror Reporting could be turned off:

    Others are also scratching their heads already …



    When trying to tackle the “Deprecated” warning, by using a similar functions as an “one-to-one” replacement instead of say “eregi()” in below code, an error is returned:

    Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in ....htdocsversambb-versbb-includes[em]gettext.php on line 295[/em]

    I’m not a php-programmer, but I start to wonder how much coding effort would be needed to switch to the required new php-functions?

    Could somebody provide a matchmaking list eventually (or point to helpful further info), of what should (can) be replaced by what function? The php docs – when looking up the functions in question – are not of much help describing the transition issues.


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