Stagger Lee (@stagger-lee)

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  • In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    Strange, funny coincidence.

    Just today I checked what it is about one spam I am getting from one se(x) dating site. I noticed in last 1-2 years avalanche of this problem. Suspected someone is selling my e-mail address.

    Went there and:

    – Dedicated Page about how are they compliant with coming GDPR regulation.
    – FAQ says if you want to delete account “simply do not login anymore”.
    – Someone sold them my e-mail address.
    – They simply take anything before @ and use as Username
    – They sent password to my mail Inbox in clear text.

    But OK, will wait end of the May, and URL (Username & Password too) goes directly to the “officer”. With pleasure. They are in the EU.

    I guess this would count as second part of my theory. “Lie”, not just “do not tell”.
    Would be enough with Gmail filter to directly delete all spam from this sender, if it is not that morons take people’s real names. If those are used in e-mail addresses.
    Imagine my wife sees it.

    In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    OK, no worries.

    Normally all of this are personal opinions, right now when anyone more experienced with it than me are looking for laywers. But fortunately no panic, Automattic will be forced to hire layers, for advices, and we all will benefit from it.

    Want just to elaborate more on my line “Do not tell = it did not happen”. Really has nothing to do with bbBress, WP, nor is it a try to convince people to lie and cheat regulations.

    But knowing human nature so will it end for majority of WP websites. Nothing new.

    – People will keep quiet about export options, they will not have them, or not completely. And as it goes, majority of websites, specially small ones, will never experience demand to export private data. Life goes on.

    – People will be quiet about emergency plans in case of hacking and database breach. They will have no clue what to do if anything happens. Even if it happens they will repair website and life goes on.

    – People will not tell who has access to private data, not all names. It is not all about selling data, regulation is about access.
    So will webdesign company who is planned to fix website after hacking case mandatory to be named as company who has access to private data, or not. What if hacking happens when this company has no time whatsoever for your website.

    In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    Cannot edit now. He started first by insinuating my opinions are of low value because they are “personal”. And that I should stop with them.

    Anyway, only way GDPR can be “easy” for owners/developers is:

    – To simply lie about some of what is happening on website. Do not tell = did not happen.

    Puting checkbox in forms is few minutes work. Puting dedicated Page, with mostly copy/pasted text from another websites is also easy.
    But some other things are very, very technical demanding.

    And as desert at the end, any plugin saving anything about visitors/Users and is not compliant with GDPR makes all of this astronomical work for nothing. Like you did absolutely nothing.

    So no, it will not be easy for anyone directly involved.

    In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    How can you say it will not be a big deal for bbPress, WP, sites when right now there is not even close near option to send export to the people when they ask what you have about them in database.
    Should all owners of WP, bbPress, websites, use phpMyAdmin to search for hours and export what is needed.

    So, keep your personal opinions to yourself, to reply with your own words.
    “For most people in EU this will not be a wild thing to implement.”

    In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    Man, this Slack thing is completely mess.
    I have no clue who is talking there, what they are talking. So difficult to follow more than 2 sentences exchanged between people.
    Then this anoying Github bot is not making things more easy.

    In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    As private person I like this regulation, really a lot.

    – No more selling your data to third parties around. They have to write clearly what they collect, to whom they give it. (Facebook, Google and Twitter, no more dirty tricks with advertisments and following silently people around, with different scripts). They will be forced now to reveal all those secrets and what they do.

    As a webdesigner, developer of course not.

    – It will be long time in the future many unknowns, uncertain. What to do. Regulation is as anything in EU very birocratic and not clear.
    Problem with it, as I personaly see it, is majority of websites, forums, etc will never be interesting for them. Nor anyone has money and resources to investigate this vast universe so called WWW.
    But, but, if only one malicious person who hates you, do not like you, report your domain to regulation “officer”, they are forced to launch full scale investigation on your tiny, not important, and non-commercial perhaps, website. And screw yourself. 🙂

    In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    Will try to see discussion on Slack, thank you. We can chat about it here too, why not.

    W, our analogy with newspapers and similar commercial services is a bit wrong, I think anyway. No law can force them to delete everything in their database(s), simply because they need those data to pay VAT, to pay to state what they had in income. They are exceptions, and has to be. Amazon will never be forced by this law to delete your profile. On the other side Twitter, Facebook will be forced by this law a lot, that is why I mentioned them.

    As I get it, it is like this:

    – Robin W asks for this law to be respected here on this domain “”, and all (identifiable) personal info about him to be deleted.
    – After this is done, can Admin of this domain, webmaster, owner, or I as Stagger Lee find anything, anything on this domain, to threaten Robin W, find his physical post address, kill him, threaten his family, etc…etc…

    colourful example, but I believe it is it.

    In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    If person wtites on forum he/she was on vacation in Cuba, put some pictures of itself. Later asks to all you have in your database, that could identify him as physical person, to be deleted. What then ?

    In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    Some say any reply over what you could reveal person´s identity needs to be removed, if User wishes so.
    If, only if, it is the true there is no way any forum owner/admin will ever bother searching through thousands of User´s replies. Whole account and all replies will be deleted.

    Will leave a mess, but will save admin´s hours, days and nerves.

    Specially as it is gray area. What is personally “revealing”. Admin would not only need to quick browse through replies, but study them very well. Cannot imagine any Admin would like to lose so much time on this stupid thing.

    Second big problem are quotes, and nested quotes. How to deal with it. Of course if it is true about replies at all.

    My personal feeling is as this law, regulation, is made specifically to target Facebook and Twitter. How will they deal with it. BbPress problem is a piece of cake compared to them.

    In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    You are not the only one. Today was first time I heard about it.
    It involves a bit design consideration. Checkbox when submitting topic reply. Option for User to be able to delete account with all comments. Dedicated Page for bbPress about what is saved in database.

    Some are strange and complicated. What to send to User when they ask what bbPress is collecting in database.



    Here it is.
    You hijacked topic a bit.
    I still dont understand why you use bbPress as Blog/Posts tool when WordPress is made for this. Almost as you are not so good on theming, and looking for shortcuts.

    – Make own image size
    – Change “slider” to name of own image size.
    – There is a class to center image, give it maybe some gray background for smaller featured mages. fix margins and paddings, etc…

    function ntwb_bbpress_random_single_topic() {
            global $post;
    	    if ( has_post_thumbnail($post->ID) )
    	    	echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID,'slider',array('class' => 'forum-topic-featured'));
    // Hook into action



    Biggest problem with all of this is it wont allow you to edit, change featured image from front-end. Just to insert it frist, and only one, time. If Admins would be nice with giving Participants access to backend than all those problems would not exist.



    Here is code for forum index, forum featured images, not topics:

    Plugin Name: bbPress - Forum Icons
    Plugin URI:
    Description: bbPress - bbPress - Forum Icons
    Version: 0.1
    Author: Stephen Edgar - Netweb
    Author URI:
    // Original Source:
    add_post_type_support('forum', array('thumbnail'));
    function ks_forum_icons() {
    	if ( 'forum' == get_post_type() ) {
    		global $post;
    	    if ( has_post_thumbnail($post->ID) )
    	    	echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID,'thumbnail',array('class' => 'alignleft forum-icon'));



    In theme functions.php or custom field with functions.php.
    It gives featured image metaboxes in backend. Then you display featured image on front as any other post type featured. See how your theme is doing this and copy/paste whole code block.

    As you need only fetaured image allowed for admins and moderators you can use this:

    add_post_type_support('topic', array('thumbnail'));
    add_post_type_support('forum', array('thumbnail'));
    Plugin Name: bbPress - Forum Icons
    Plugin URI:
    Description: bbPress - bbPress - Forum Icons
    Version: 0.1
    Author: Stephen Edgar - Netweb
    Author URI:
    // Original Source:
    add_post_type_support('forum', array('thumbnail'));
    function ks_forum_icons() {
    	if ( 'topic' == get_post_type() ) {
    		global $post;
    	    if ( has_post_thumbnail($post->ID) )
    	    	echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID,'thumbnail',array('class' => 'alignleft forum-icon'));

    I will see later what is the best way to allow all Users to set topic featured images.
    But dont see much point in it. Thousands of forum topics, thousands of images on server x all WP image sizes. Big mess.



    My code (comment) is for backend, metaboxes. Or so I believe.



    Seems to still work.

    add_post_type_support('topic', array('thumbnail'));

    add_post_type_support('forum', array('thumbnail'));

    <?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, 'full'); ?>



    How many topics do you have ? 10 ?
    Several hundreds/thousands of topic in select dropdown. It would kill your server.
    Even autocomplete field would be wrong.



    I dont get this logic, despite if it is only WP logic, not bbPress one.
    Maybe I missunderstool it all. New Users (Roles = Subscriber, Participant) have access to add new Posts, and attach them to taxonomies.

    Forum Users are forum USers, not Portal editors of Articles.

    This code should be in bbPress core. When you install bbPress you accept that whole platform is changed to something else, and old WP rules are not valid anymore.

    For all other things Users have buddyPress profile Pages.

    function splen_remove_admin_bar() {
    	if( !is_super_admin() ) 
    		add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' );
    add_action('wp', 'splen_remove_admin_bar');
    //don't allow users to go wp-admin
    add_action( 'init', 'blockusers_init' );
    function blockusers_init() {
        if ( is_admin() && ! current_user_can( 'administrator' ) &&
           ! ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) {
            wp_redirect( home_url() );



    I told them this forum is starting point to “sell” bbPress to public. But they think not so.

    Dont worry about Plugin Organizer. I use it on all websites, even those with only few pages. Just install it and enjoy.



    I wish they changed whole forum layout and design to Bootstrap. Why lose time and nerves on this when other group of very skillful developers develop something like Bootstrap.

    One of the benefits is other gifted developers take care everything behaves nice in different devices, responsive.



    Plugin Organizer plugin is good to prevent CSS, JS files to be called on bbPress forum pages, if they dont belong there.



    Man, you are a creature from nowhere, you dont exist.

    How do you manage all this. And how do you update template files and CSS when changing so much. It was main reason allways preventing me to meddle much with forum layout and design.



    Link to what ?
    Functions.php snippet to limit Users to see own uploads is here at this topic already.
    But GD Attachments plugin still works well.

    Shortcake is easy to find.



    I did it very nice with activated TinyMce for bbpress (simple one) and media upload button.
    Then with one snippet limmited users to se only own uploads. It is easy to find on Google.

    Now with Shortcode UI (Shortake) it is very easy to make plenty of visual shortcodes for forum. So play with it and use it for attachments.There is allways way to remove other media modal tab items.

    I will play a bit with it in future. BBC codes as shortcodes, etc.



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