Staffan (@staffan)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @staffan


    That looks amazing. I really like the icons in the thread list and on the posts, as well as the speech bubble thing. How did you do that?

    In reply to: What’s integration?



    It means that your registered blog users can use their accounts to post in the forums. When a users logs on to your blog, he’s automatically logged on to your forums.



    Right. I’m just trying to figure out which one I’m gonna use in my forum. Right now I’m leaning towards TinyMCE, since FCKeditor doesn’t work with Opera (even though TMCE takes forever to load in my test installation…)



    Null: What is it you don’t like about TinyMCE?



    Sure. Here you go! The forums (as well as the whole site) is still under construction.



    Alright! I did it. And if anybody wants to know, here’s how:

    This code in the stylesheet

    ul.taglista { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
    ul.taglista li { display: inline; }
    ul.taglista li:after { content: ","; }
    ul.taglista li:last-child:after { content: ""; }

    And this in topic-tags.php

    <?php if ( $user_tags ) : ?>
    <?php _e('Your tags:'); ?>
    <ul class="taglista">
    <?php foreach ( $user_tags as $tag ) : ?>
    <li id="tag-<?php echo $tag->tag_id; ?>_<?php echo $tag->user_id; ?>"><a href="<?php tag_link(); ?>" rel="tag"><?php tag_name(); ?></a> <?php tag_remove_link(); ?></li>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    It won’t work in IE, but that’s fine with me. Thanks for the help!



    Great! Thank you. Yet one problem remains: I can’t find the ids yourtaglist and otherstaglist i the stylesheet. Perhaps I’m supposed to add them myself if I want to change the list appearance?



    Thank you for answering! I’ve been trying to do exactly that, but there are no ids in style.css called #yourtaglist, #otherstaglist etc. Although, I’m not sure I need to edit those ids anyway, since I don’t wanna have the tags in a list.

    For now I have modified the code and edited out the ul and li-tags to make it look like this:

    <?php if ( $user_tags ) : ?>
    <div id="yourtags">
    <?php _e('Your tags:'); ?>
    <?php foreach ( $user_tags as $tag ) : ?>
    <a href="<?php tag_link(); ?>" rel="tag"><?php tag_name(); ?></a> <?php tag_remove_link(); ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    It works pretty well, but the tags aren’t separated by anything. Is there any way to insert commas between the tags, but not after the last tag?




    In reply to: Post without acoount



    Any news on this?

    In reply to: latest reply by admin



    I have the same problem. My display name is shown correctly in the posts and on the forum front page, but not at the top of the topics.

    In reply to: Post without acoount



    I would also be interested in such a plugin…



    Yeah, I’ve got that. Seems like this might be something to add to the next version of that plugin.

    Anyway, thanks again Atsutane for your great plugin and the fast updates!



    Alright. I’ve done some investigations and I think I know why I get a blank space: when a new user registers through bbPress it seems like he’s not given any “display name”.



    Great. Thank you! There’s only one little problem: if the user haven’t entered a nickname no name at all is shown. I guess it should be written so that if the user has a nick name – show nick name; if the user dosen’t – show username.



    Does anybody know how to combine this great little plugin with the Use display name plugin? I want the it to show my nickname instead of my username.



    I updated to 0.75 and that made it work! I thought I had the latest version, but, you know… I didn’t.

    Thank you!



    Btw, all the changes that I make are being saved. If I for instance edit my profile , a “302 found” error page (with the message from the first post) is shown, but if I go back and update the edit page the changes have been saved. The same thing happens when I try to start a new topic, start new/change forums in the admin control panel.



    I have encountered exactly the same problem!

    I have the latest version of bbPress (downloaded only a few hours ago), php version 4.4.4 and apache server.

    Link to my forum:


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