shauny007 (@shauny007)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @shauny007





    Gautam worked like a dream, I can now operate bbpress exactly as I need, thank you 😉



    I also just wanted to ask, is there a way I can update the current replies in forum to replicate what is really there. For example say I had deleted 13 replies in my previous error, forum still showing 13, is there a way to reset these numbers so all correct. As only other way I can think of is by starting everything again from scratch in forum.



    Hi Gautam, am going to give that a try, will let you know how I get on with it, thanks very much, appreciate 😉



    Actually that was naive of me, and I now have figured out the problem, but not the fix. Here is what actually happens:

    I upload items to website also, but sometimes in future the same exact item may be in the update, I would then end up with domain-name/item domain-name/item2 domain-name/item3 These are duplicates, I simply delete all these by running this code:

    DELETE bad_rows.*
    from wp_posts as bad_rows
    inner join (
    select post_title, MIN(id) as min_id
    from wp_posts
    group by post_title
    having count(*) > 1
    ) as good_rows on good_rows.post_title = bad_rows.post_title
    and good_rows.min_id <>;

    This is what is deleting all the forum posts 100%, checked and tested it. The only thing is, I do need to run this. Is there a way to exclude in this code bbpress posts, or something?



    Found a guide on how to do this here, works brilliantly.

    In reply to: How to remove voices



    Hi. How do I access ‘bbpress css’?

    Is it plugins, and then edit, but then what links do I press after this, cant seem to find bbpress css.



    While I am here, I was wondering how I can create a page link at top of website named Forum which would then when pressed take person to my forum.

    Could any of you point me to a guide which does this if one was out there.



    Guys thanks for the help. Also I had not updated from a previous 2.5.2 version, 2.5.3 was first installment.

    I now think the problem stems from a plugin added a few days ago – This one: Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin (AWPCP)

    I had a little play around and not sure why, but even when I re-installed bbpress none of the icons for forum would show on left, when classifieds was deactivated it sprang to life.

    Very odd, but I had to look at what changed have been made recently as I am the only person who works on my site, and other than installing this other plugin last few days, my work has primarily been on content.

    I will report back with any update, but thanks for both your help.

    In reply to: Plugin Update 2.5.3



    Sorry posted in wrong one.

    In reply to: Plugin Update 2.5.3



    Guys thanks for the help. Also I had not updated from a previous 2.5.2 version, 2.5.3 was first installment.

    I now think the problem stems from a plugin added a few days ago – This one: Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin (AWPCP)

    I had a little play around and not sure why, but even when I re-installed bbpress none of the icons for forum would show on left, when classifieds was deactivated it sprang to life.

    Very odd, but I had to look at what changed have been made recently as I am the only person who works on my site, and other than installing this other plugin last few days, my work has primarily been on content.

    I will report back with any update, but thanks for both your help.



    + it’s only the replies having the issue. None of the topics are disappearing or forums. All replies from keymaster vanish also.



    I made a test post and this is showing ok for now. I was just thinking even if say they were deleted from admin replies (which they weren’t), then the forum would display this then anyway would it not, by saying no voices etc, but the forum is still showing the actual correct amount as if they were still in there.

    I’m not sure, but something is up. This person here ( it seems has the same issue.

    This was all working last night ok, and I have not played with anything today very strange indeed 🙂

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