sasenzon (@sasenzon)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @sasenzon


    This was solved (I hope). It turns out that I had checked in the main settings under forums to give each group a forum. Then I had selected the forum option when creating a group. I think this caused a conflict.
    I also set the drop down to root. I hope that makes it work. I tested it as the users and it seems fine.



    I did all of these things. To no avail.

    When I am logged in as myself and I reply on a forum, I move the cursor into the textbox and click, that sort of resets the page and I get a new url with #post-number. Then I can type in the box and it works every time.

    When I login as the user (and there are a few of them having this issue), when I click the cursor into the box nothing happens. no page load, no #post-number appears. Then when I hit submit the page just goes back to the main forum page.



    So you have no suggestions?



    I don’t really know the difference. Moderators on that forum sent me here.



    I see. My intent was to have it only available to users in this class.
    I set it up as hidden in the manage settings on the front end.
    On the dashboard however, it is set to open public.
    Also – it is in a group that I set up as hidden.
    However, the dashboard it shows that it is in a public group.

    Perhaps there is a conflict here?
    I am self-taught at buddypress. Would love to learn how to be an expert.



    One user just messaged me:
    By the way, still cannot post – no error message, I click submit, it reloads the page, but my post isn’t there



    It is hidden. There are 65 users on that forum



    This is happening again. I tried to post at They sent me here. Any advice?
    This time it is not consistent. Some users have no problem. Other users can post to some forums and not to others it just redirects to the forums main topic page.
    One user gets an error message that: no activity found please try a different filter

    I currently have 200 users. I don’t know what to do. Thanks.



    Ok thanks. I did not know there were two forums.



    Correct it was not saving.
    However – I had a developer look at it. She determined it was due to me checking “hidden” when I set up the group. She made it public and it now works (although it is set to hidden again). I am not sure what the problem is. It does work now. I am waiting to hear back from her so that we can make sure this doesn’t happen again.



    Hi. I would have to ask my server tech to run the error test again.
    But it is the same blank screen for all buddypress pages.

    I hope my theme developer can fix this.
    Thanks for your suggestions.

    If you have any other thoughts or people I could consult to look at it I would appreciate it.
    Thanks again.



    it works fine with twentyfifteen theme.

    My theme developer checked the error messages however and said it was a plugin causing this.




    I deleted both CBOX and bbpress.
    Then I installed bbpress from the plugin page.
    The error is still happening.



    Ok. I can deactivate it from the CBOX plugin dashboard but I can only delete it if I delete CBOX. Then bbpress shows up on the plugins dashboard of wp.



    I have posted your comments to their forum.
    I have been awaiting a reply from them for a few days.
    Feeling a bit desperate.

    This is the version they are using as per my reinstall:
    nstalling Plugin bbPress (1/1)

    Downloading install package from…
    Unpacking the package…
    Installing the plugin…
    Plugin installed successfully.



    Hi @robin-w
    I deactivated and deleted CBOX.
    Then I reloaded it.
    It reloaded with the same settings so bbpress forum was initially deactivated.
    I could see the forum that was up before the error started.
    Then I updated and activated the bbpress forum and the error started again.
    All buddypress pages are not visible.
    Other pages on the site (non buddypress are fine).
    Please advise.



    Ok. I installed it as part of the Commons In a Box plugin.
    Should I uninstall the whole thing (it is a suite of Buddy Press plugins).
    If I do will that change what is already set up (database of users etc.)?
    Thank you.



    Thank you. @robin-w
    I did all of this.
    The only plugin that causes it is bbpress forum.



    This problem does not happen when I deactivate bbpress forum plugin.

    I don’t have the private group plugin.



    Hello. @robin-w
    I am having this same error.
    Can you please advise?
    Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/members/wp-includes/load.php on line 65

    Do I download the plugin you posted in the link? Will that fix the problem?


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