Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robkk


    @julia_b if you have Activity Streams checked in settings>buddypress you can use @mentions



    discourse like revision log

    shows only when edits occur , shows only number of edits, on hover shows last time ago of edit.

    i had two functions of code that could calculate number of edits on the post.

    1 is the one i have now which calculates from when i inserted the code i believe.

    the other just had a count of previous edit logs, but it had a kind of bug and showed up on all posts with the same number.

    might make a tutorial on this, have to consult i guess robin or stephen if the code is good to use or not.


    "if i would i suggest something , for looks i guess would be color coordination for forums and topics, if you switch to topic freshness instead of forum archive.
    so the layout would be
    title of topic
    started by: (user) in (color of forum) title of forum
    or just the title of the forum with the color of the forum as a background/
    imo thats the only suggestion i really want" 

    My impressions so far

    finally got this done , but i bet there is a better way of doing it instead of how i did it.

    will post tutorial later if i find a better way.



    stats on the topic posts kind of like discourse forums.

    its easier to do with the show lead topic function activated, but i didnt use show lead topic.

    might do tutorial post on this later because its kind of easy.



    its all good



    yeah your way of using your private groups widgets were alot better than what i had said earlier .

    i got it all set up fine now.

    And i can probably create a cool looking replies archive this way too.

    In reply to: current in forum root



    dang im confusing myself big time.


    i recommend you to just leave home in the breadcrumbs, so that the NLCF doesnt show up twice.

    In reply to: current in forum root



    @robin-w check this out it confused me alot

    am i missing something , did i do something wrong?? i have no idea how this worked on my end??

    In reply to: current in forum root



    ok i havent really messed with breadcrumbs that much i usually remove them but there suppose to show home > forums > forums i think from what i just tested on my localhost.

    since it shows the root anyway if you are already on the forum archive.

    but i did end up removing one of the forums link this weird way

    ok i dont know for sure what i did because i was basically just fiddling around so here are all of what i did

    i had this in my functions php in my own thematic child theme.

    function mycustom_breadcrumb_options() {
        // Home - default = true
        $args['include_home']    = false;
        // Forum root - default = true
        $args['include_root']    = true;
        // Current - default = true
        $args['include_current'] = true;
        return $args;
    add_filter('bbp_before_get_breadcrumb_parse_args', 'mycustom_breadcrumb_options');
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_breadcrumb', 'change_breadcrumb_text' );
    Function change_breadcrumb_text ($trail) {
    $trail = str_replace ('No Labels Community Forum','N L C F',$trail) ;
    return $trail ;

    then i removed the add_filter line for the mycustom_breadcrumb function
    so i have this now.

    function mycustom_breadcrumb_options() {
        // Home - default = true
        $args['include_home']    = false;
        // Forum root - default = true
        $args['include_root']    = true;
        // Current - default = true
        $args['include_current'] = true;
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_breadcrumb', 'change_breadcrumb_text' );
    Function change_breadcrumb_text ($trail) {
    $trail = str_replace ('No Labels Community Forum','N L C F',$trail) ;
    return $trail ;

    this removed one of the NLCF links in the breadcrumbs.

    i even removed the my custom breadcrumbs function and its still only shows one NLCF link…

    its weird :/



    go mess with tharsheblows loop-single-categories file or mess with bobinz files from pastebin



    I did contact them but they told me that it would be custom development and it would be outside of the scope of their support :/

    did you tell them that your topic and posts count should be beside the subforums.

    if you just told him categorized layout they might be just thinking of the way the layout is structured , like this layout in the link where the subforums are alligned up to the categories.

    in all seriousness you should get some support from them.

    The templates you should mess with are content-archive-forum.php content-single-forum.php loop-forums.php loop-single-forum.php

    other than that its really hard for me to help from here since its a premium theme.

    Maybe could I request for this thread to be moves to the Themes board?

    i dont really know what your saying here, but i guess like i said try to contact them, they should help you out more since its most likely the themes problem.



    yeah you havent been really digging into your theme changing bbpress templates… i hope.

    but i think it might be the way your themes set up , maybe your theme author did not style his theme for bbpress to handle categorized layouts.

    contact your theme author

    other than that i guess deactivate your plugins one at a time, and see if you can find a plugin that might cause an issue.



    post a link to your website.

    its most likely a theme issue

    In reply to: current in forum root



    post a link to your website



    2014 bbPress Survey Results

    6. Twenty-three percent of participants have not added any bbPress add-on plugins nor custom code at the time of survey. Additional research showed the majority of those who have not installed such are those who use bbPress for their own sites.

    For the rest of the participants, there are a few who mentioned that they have too many plugins in their installations to list in the survey form. For those who shared what plugins they have activated in their installations, following shows the top ten plugins which are either bbPress-specific or those with expressed support for bbPress.
    visualization of plugins used

    a) GD bbPress Attachments
    b) GD bbPress Tools
    c) bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab
    d) BuddyPress
    e) Buddy-bbPress Support Topic
    f) Custom private code
    g) bbPress – Private Replies
    h) bbPress Stay Checked
    i) bbPress Topics for Posts
    j) bbPress – Mark As Read

    In reply to: Theme Problems



    hmmm ill set up my local host on twenty eleven in a minute.

    In reply to: Theme Problems



    did you create a bbpress.php and put it into your themes folder??

    In reply to: Theme Problems



    try this

    .bbpress .singular .entry-content {
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 68.9%;
    float: right!important;
    In reply to: No spacing in posts.



    you put custom css into anything that can handle custom css

    in your child themes css stylesheet
    the jetpack plugin module custom css
    a standalone custom css plugin

    In reply to: No spacing in posts.



    add this to anywhere you can put custom css

    .bbp-reply-content p {



    i would create a page and put the forum archive shortcode and the single topic shortcode to display both with no problems.

    There is probably another way , but this is the first i thought of.

    In reply to: Theme Problems



    the sidebar and the forum display overlap.

    put this where you can put custom css and tell how it is.

    #bbpress .singular .entry-content {
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 68.9%;
    float: right;



    The only way is with a php code to create a bbpress profile link ?

    well maybe if you have a shortcode to display the users “login name” then you could probably replace the the php code with the shortcode. idk if it works though havent really tried anything like that just yet.

    alternative is allow php in widgets, which is unsafe.

    and also you could a link to profile in your menu.

    // Filter wp_nav_menu() to add profile link
    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'my_nav_menu_profile_link' );
    function my_nav_menu_profile_link($menu) {  
        if (!is_user_logged_in())
            return $menu;
            $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
            $user=$current_user->user_login ;
            $profilelink = '<li><a href="/forums/users/' . $user . '/">View Profile</a></li>';
            $menu = $menu . $profilelink;
            return $menu;



    yeah no problem



    @marximusmg use robins code, his version is a better way

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